january 23rd

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Camila [9:21 pm]

Hey so I started doing all the research and stuff

Camila [9:22 pm]

But I've got a lot of stuff due this week 

Camila [9:22 pm]

Could u possibly do like maybe the first two pages?

Camila [9:22 pm]

Of course I'll edit it but

Lauren [9:34 pm]

y r u texting me about a project due in two weeks on a saturday night

Camila [9:35 pm]

Because it's important

Camila [9:37 pm]

So can u do the first two pages or?

Camila [10:40 pm]


Camila [10:52 pm]


Lauren [11:03 pm]

wat the fck du u wnat

Camila [11:07 pm]

Can we just figure out this paper? 

Camila [11:07 pm]

It will literally take two seconds...

Lauren [11:10 pm]

ur so fcking annnoyign

Lauren [11:11 pm]

quit tsxting me ur a fuking embrsesment

Lauren [11:12 pm]

i only agred to workk wit u for a goood grade

Lauren [11:13 pm]

do the paper an shit up

Lauren [11:14 pm]

shutt up


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