Chapter 1

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One day a farmer bought some land. After a few years of owning the land some of his employees came to him and said that the house on the hill to his property was haunted by the devil. He didn't believe this until more of his employees came and told him the same thing. After that he put up a reward for fifty buck for whoever could stay in the house all night. Well many people tried, but all of them couldn't stay the say "that house is haunted by the devil himself you need to burn that house down!" And many were never seen again. Well after three years the owner died and his son took over the farm. Still no one had stayed over night so he raised the reward to five-hundred dollars. Well a church up the road needed the money so the priest took on the challenge. "I'll do it for this church." he said. "OK over night in the house on the hill." said the farm owned. The priest took his Bible and went to the house.

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