Apparently, I was needed a lot more than I had expected. Most of the Ares kids were down and crying like babies, the medics were having panic attacks since most of them had never dealt with a real battle before, and the archers had next to no arrows left. The Giants, on the other hand, had never looked better with the exception of a few scrapes and bruises. We were losing, and I... was losing my balance. I wobbled and tripped. I guess my rush of adrenaline was only temporary. I tried to stand up but those little fuzzy things swarmed around my eyes threatening to make me pass out. Well, this day was going great.

I needed Will. He could help me. I stumbled around trying to overcome dizziness and look for Will at the same time. I got some advice for you; if you're trying to find someone, call their name. It works a lot better than walking around like some drunk idiot going, "Hey!". Especially if you're dying. Plus, there's like a one in a million chance that they'll know where you are. Just stay put, call their name, they'll find you. (Maybe)

Well, that one in a million thing worked out for me. Will found me lying in the middle of a grass patch. He ran towards me and immediately started his normal check up procedure. "Follow my finger with your eyes. Not your head!" then "deep breath in" pause "and out." Then he came to the point where he checked my temperature.

"You're hot," Will stated matter of factly.

"Tell me something I don't know," I said smugly.

"No, I mean you have a fever." Will told me. No duh. "Let's get you to the infirmary, I'll get-"

"No," I cut him off.

"Excuse me," Will said acting all sassy.

"No, I'm not going to go to the hospital while there are a dozen giants attacking Camp and ruining my wedding day. I'm tired of being useless." I knew Will wouldn't take no for an answer. He never did, especially when it came to me being hurt.


"I'm serious, Will- wait, what?"

"Fine, we need someone with that kind of endurance right now. If you haven't noticed we're losing." Will told me. Wow, if Will was saying yes to something like this, we must have really been losing. It didn't matter. What mattered now was that we needed to do this together.

"Okay," Will said, "what's your plan?"

"My plan was to follow your plan!" I complained.

"So you want to go into this battle without any kind of plan?" Why did Will think I, ME, Nico di Angelo, had a plan. He always came up with the plan, always. Well, I mean, when Annabeth isn't here.

Just then, Thalia came up from somewhere. Her lip was all bloody and her dress was utterly destroyed. Her eyes glinted against the sun.

"Just so you know, Will," Thalia panted in between heaving breaths, "you're needed."

"Where?" Will asked her.

"Everywhere." Thalia ran, or wobbled, off. She was really pretty in her own unique sort of way. I wondered if she was single...

WOAH!!! What just happened there. I just got married like two hours ago and I'm, oh, I don't know MARRIED!!!!!!!!

Okay, Nico, I told myself. Pull yourself together, you're hallucinating out of your mind, and you're still trying to face a band of giant giants.

"Will, just give me some ambrosia, I'll eat it before I do anything else. Does that make you happy?" I always ended up compromising like this.

"Ugh, fine," Will mumbled. "Just this one time." I could tell he knew we weren't winning. Everyone could figure that out.

Will helped me up while I tried to ignore his pleading. He knew it wasn't going to work. He always did that. I was used to it by now. I shrugged him off. He handed me some ambrosia and reluctantly ran off to go help his medics.


I hope this makes up for the last short chapter. >o<

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