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SUMMER CAMP- Yesterday
"UP!UP!UP! EVERYBODY UP NOW! IT'S YOUR LAST FULL DAY AND WE STILL HAVE SO MUCH TO DO!" I am rudely awakened from my deep slumber by Captain Whitlock, head of the military camp my parents sent me to this summer.
You see, I come from England, but I recently moved here, to America, after my parents got better jobs out here.
Whilst the house was getting re painted and re decorated, my parents thought that it would be a good idea for me to come to military camp whilst they got to go on a luxury cruise! I was so pissed off, I mean, it's not like they don't have the money or anything.
I complained and argued so much before coming here that my parents didn't even get out of the car to say goodbye when they dropped me off.
They left my car here and took a taxi to the cruise. That meant that tomorrow, when I am once again woken up by Whitlock I can leave.
My tent mate groans and rolls out of the uncomfortable camp beds we are given. I sigh and go back to sleep.

Ten seconds later

"Is brittish girl not up yet?" He asks my tent mate- he is Tyler Evans. From my first day at military camp he has been calling Mt brittish girl and pulling pranks on me- but trust me I pulled some pretty good pranks back too.
I slowly start to open my eyes, but close them immediately when I see a shadowed figure start to open the tent.
"HOLY CRAP!" I scream as Tyler throws a bucket of iced water all over me. I jump out of bed- completely forgetting that I'm wearing an oversized white t-shirt and nothing else but the bottom half of my underwear.
Tyler's eyes grow wide with mischief and he snaps a photo of me on his phone. I scream and almost run after him, but I remember what I'm wearing and quickly get changed into the uniform we are given at the start of this hell. I grab breakfast from the table, and eat it slowly, thinking of what new injury today could bring.

💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~● 💕💕●~●

Hey guys,
This is just the prologue so I promise to try and make the chapters longer.
Plus, what do u think of the cover, send me one you have created and I will post my fave on the next chapter.
Please vote and comment, my fave comment gets a dedication next chapter.

Lyl! Xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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