Wattpad Author Interview: @Siriusly_fandoms

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Siriusly_fandoms is the author of many well-known books, one such is A Note a Day, which now has over 500,000 reads and has placed in the teen fiction genre.

Q: Thank you for being willing to do this interview! I think our readers will really enjoy it! First question, how do you feel about how far up in Wattpad you've now gotten?

A: Thank you for this interview! I find it so cool.

If I'm honest, it's really strange to see all of these people voting and commenting and following me. When i put it into perspective, I have over 10 times the amount of reads on A Note A Day than there is people in my town, but if I'm honest, I've never really been able to comprehend that fact. I don't really think I've gotten that far up in Wattpad. You have those insanely popular authors like @kpgcatlover and then it's hard to compare. I've definitely made a lot of friends and had a lot of insane moments of pure "what the heck" and "oh my god" and "holy cow"'s when seeing my name on the Wattpad teen fiction featured list or when that I was featured in the Wattpad Bock Party. I think it's hard to imagine because I'm just a fifteen year old freshman in high school and it just doesn't feel real. I mean, I barely have twenty friends and then I see that I have 470,000 reads on a book and it's unbelievable. So I guess my answer to this long rant is that I feel like it is a dream because of my life off of Wattpad and as much as some people think I may have "gotten far up in wattpad," I really can't wrap my head around that idea.

Q: What originally inspired you to start writing? Do you have any advice for new writers out there who still haven't really gotten into it yet?

A: I began writing when I was really little, maybe four or five. I'd tell my stories to my relatives and they'd write it down for me. I've always liked to write, and I've been writing almost all my life. What got me into writing even more than before was when I discovered Wattpad and realized that other people could see what I'm writing. It was really encouraging and it felt like I was actually publishing a book. I would just say that if you really want to get something out there, go for it. Whatever influences you, write about it. Writing is something that can frustrate you, but looking at the finished book you've written knowing that you created this, you made this world all by yourself. It's the best feeling, and you will never regret writing.

Q: Do you have any tricks that you use to get the first chapter going? Do you have any insider tips that you use to get past writer's block?

A: I know that beginnings are hard. It's always going to be tough starting up. What I would recommend is to get a solid plan on your book; once you know the characters and the direction you want it to go, then you can write with a purpose. Write something detailed, intruiging, and definitely something that will get people to continue. Writer's block is always going to be a struggle. Just always keep writing, even if you feel like it isn't up to par. Write ahead and skip that scene if you need to and come back to it.

Q: What's one thing you constantly see writers do that drives you crazy?

A: I think one of the only things is the lack of effort sometimes (this is mostly just Wattpad). I work very hard to write efficiently and creatively, and when I see someone's story gets ten times the amount of reads mine do, it kind of annoys me to see grammatical errors every sentence and a reused plot. It's just a small pet peeve, but it's probably the only thing :-)

Q: Do you do anything before you start writing to get your creative juices flowing?

A: I don't, haha. I usually tend to write at night because my thoughts are all jumbled and it makes for good metaphors and things, but I don't have a routine. Usually I just set up shop, spreading out binders full of story plans and characters and I begin typing.

Q: Final question, if there was one tip, trick, or word of advice you could give to all Wattpaders, what would you say?

A: If there was one thing, I would say that if you love writing and reading, keep doing it. I stopped writing for a short period but when I started up again, I realized how great it was and how amazing I felt, creating a word just from the scratch of a pencil and the click of a keyboard. If reading makes you escape and feel free, stay with it, no matter what. Reading will always be there for you when you feel alone, and writing will always be there to listen to you, even if it technically just ranting on paper. Stick with it; you can only get better.

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