lust at first sight

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March 15 2016 my name is Dion Lee i am a single child with only father today happened to be my birthday

I only have one friend who's name is pari he's the same age as me and he is always there for me that's why i call him my brother we knew each other from we were three

As always he's the only one that showed up for my birthday and as always

*Dion for the love of god u have to lose your virginity your 18 now

that's what he would always say and i would answer

* yeah soon i will

but i would always wuss out every time i couldn't even kiss a girl

*Dion I'm sure that if u take the time to improve your strength as well as your pussy game you'll be the coolest at school

sure that sounded great but it was harder than it seemed

But on the next day as always getting bulled was the main activity of the day from morning till the end of the day

Marcus was the topical hang leader big tall strong and has the most hottest girl in the school of course this isn't your topical love story where the bully girlfriend falls in love with u no she's the one that spotted me out for Marcus to bully me in the first place

Sabrina's her name evil as hell with the body to match but of course where there's dark there s light and that's how we have her identical twin sashana and she's the only reason Sabrina and Marcus hasn't killed me yet

On my way in i do a little check up to see if its clear and since pari doesn't go to the same school as me i cant count on him to protect me

*alright the school yard to the door seems clear but I'm sure that they know I've been dodging them that way so i should go to the back

I'm the only one with the back door key since the principle knows i stay at school late at night on my work and he trusts me

But i was rushing to get inside i couldn't see clearly and ran into someone ...for my luck it was sashana

*I'm sorry i didn't see you at all sashana

*oh Dion its OK......wait how did u know it was me its early so its kinda dark

What are u talking about?...

Well u see ppl always mistake me for my sister...

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