Slumber party fun!!!

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This was on the way to and at my friends tenth birthday. The people involved are: Me, Renee(birthday girl), Kirsten (thecrazyfroggie), lana (my friend), mik (b-day girls 13 or 14 year old brother), and prince Zachary the 3rd (long story short Renee's 7 year old brother)

Roles(these actually happened I will let you know) :

Me :creeping people out by waving at them out the car window and yelling at them if they don't wave back, hitting mik with a pillow

Kirsten:creeping people out by waving at them out the car window and yelling at them if they don't wave back

Renee:creeping people out by waving at them out the car window and yelling at them if they don't wave back

Lana: videotaping our awesomeness and laughing at us

Mik:getting smacked in the face by a pink through pillow (by me of course) and getting yelled at (by me of course) because he said that it smelled perfumed

Innocent prince Zachary the 3rd:sitting next to the royal crazy people and trying not to die of laughter


Step 1: get 4 or so hyped up girls in a minivan on the way to a slumber party

Step 2: roll the windows down

Step 3: wave and smile at random people in cars, walking, and biking down the street

Step 4: yell at them if they don't wave back

TIPS: don't get yourself arrested, don't die, just plain don't do this at all!!!!!!!!!!

A/N hope you liked this! this really did happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even hit mik with a pillow 2 times!!!!! it was an epic sleepover!!! they decided it would be fun to give us candy once we got to the movies though...not a good idea ;-P

Popcorn, candy, and hyper 11 year old girls;-) ,


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