title of your story

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so I know this isn't a set of quotes or anything but its really important.

okay so first off I would like to thank you all so much for opening the "book" as you may call it. it means a lot to see that this many people are reading this. because I know somewhere out there someone was having a really hard time with their life and the read this or one of their friends or someone gave them a quote from here and they might live off it or it keep them alive or something, now I know that this is going to make me sound selfish but I promise its not what I mean to sound like, I want you to find someone anyone you want and I want you to show them a quote or tell them it and tell them to be strong and all that fun stuff, because a rainbow is has two ends and in between there are people struggling and they need someone to be there or change there life. I want that someone to be you. because I have sharred things with you guys that not even my parents know. you guys are the only people that are actually nice to me and I thank you for that. so please inspire change. love you all (not in a weird way) I really appericate all the support I have gotten to keep on writing and even living so thank you all very much.

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