getting to know me..

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Day 1- 6/14/2016

We have one more day of school!!! well .5 days (we have a half day tm). but that means I have 3 exams to take. I have Ela, Spanish and History. I only have to study for history.

Hello, I'm Chelsie Paige Bennett. Lets just get something straight... if you think I'm on the cheer team or popular you, my friend are wrong. So just so nobody thinks that lets get to know me shall we. I was born September 29th 2002. by the pictures and what people have told me I was always talkative and had a pretty good childhood, and let me tell you they took a lot of pictures.

I have dirty & bleach blonde hair, with faded pink in it (its been there since 6th grade... ive tried to bleach it out trust me.) My eyes are weird they are, blue grey and yellow.. My dads eyes are pure blue like Nash Grier's eyes. I'm pretty tall, about 5'5 or 5'6.

I have 2 brothers, both older then me. My oldest brother Brendan James just turned 18 in April, and my other brother Ryan Matthew is 15. I don't have a favorite, they both annoy me to the soul. I love them none the less though. Both of my parents are still happily married. Their names are Brenda Kaye and James (call him Curtis/Curt) Curtis Bennett.

well time to jet!

I have to go and study for my exams tm!

sorry its not very long -chelsie

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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