Literally JUST Netflix and Chill

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"Dad, I'm home" I yell into the quiet house upon entering.
I head upstairs to my room and once I walk through the doors my shoes are coming off and I'm jumping face first into my lovely bed.
The second I meet the cool and fluffy comforter of my bed, I can't help but sigh in contentment.

" Alexandria? Do the dishes please. I'm working a late shift tonight. Money for food is on the counter. No boys enter this house missy. Bye!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs followed but the door closing.

   Oh, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I reach for my phone and dial Drews number.
"Hey it's Alexandria, come over." I get straight to the point once he picks up.
" uh um o-okay." He studded over the phone. Wow, he even sounds hot over the phone. Wait stop. Geez, girl calm down.
I tell him my address and how to get here and run downstairs to order some pizza.

*** 10 minutes later***

   Why is there nothing good on to watch? I've been looking for something to watch forever.
I wonder how far away Drew lives, it's been a little while. The pizza might beat him hear.

   Finally, I hear knocking coming from the door. Ooo let's see who wins. I swing the door open to reveal Drew in all his shy cuteness. He's standing with his hands in his pockets looking anywhere but my eyes.

" Um hhey...." His responds unsurely.

" Hi. What did I say about making eye contact. You don't want to be rude, do you?" I ask him faking being stern. I frown at him. His eyes instantly shoot up to mine.

" oh, um sorry. I didn't.... I never meant to be rude. I just....." He trails off. I can't help but let out a light chuckle. 

" sorry." He finally finishes. Aww.

" It's fine, I believe you. Now get in here." I hold the door open wider and move him inside.

" O-okay." He quickly walks inside ducking through the door frame. Not that his head would hit it, but it's almost there. Why is he so tall? Jeez.
   I close the door behind me and lead him to the living room, plopping down on the couch.  I grab the remote and continue searching for anything good.

" nothing relevant is on tv so I think we'll just have to find something on Netflix." I tell him. I've seen just about everything on Netflix, so I was hoping for something new. Hopefully, he had some good suggestions.

   He hasn't made a sound since I brought him in here. I look around for him to see him still standing in the entryway of the living room.

" Get over here." I said patting the spot next to me. " I won't bite," I say smiling at him as he walks towards me.
" not you at least." I joke, and let out a laugh is I see him falter in his pace.

   I hear knocking just as he sits down.
" pizza!!" I shriek in joy jumping off the couch. I quickly switch on Netflix and toss Drew the remote heading to grab the money dad left for the pizza.
" find something good, Kay?" I tell him as I go to answer the door.

" Hello, that'll be $7.50, mam." He says handing me the pizza and liter of Pepsi, as I hand him the money.

" Thanks have a good evening." I tell him closing the door before he can answer. God, I hate human interaction.

   I go grab two plates and two cups as well as napkins and carry everything into the living room, setting it all out on the coffee table. I look up the tv to see 'Ferris Bueller's day off' on the screen.

" Is this okay?" He asks unsure.
" Whatever you want. I haven't seen it so yeah this is fine. I'm gonna go change really quick though. You can help yourself to the food. " I give him a small smile and head upstairs to my room.

   He's so adorable, I don't know how to deal. I want to be all nice and gentle with my words around him but that'll do him no good.
    I grab a thin black t-shirt that stops right above my hips, some lose gray sweats and blue fuzzy socks and throw them on.
  I gotta find a way to get him to stick up for himself. I gotta make him more confident and extroverted without changing him as a person. Mhhh. This might take a while.

I go to walk out the door and my pants start to slide off. Ha wow. Well, that won't do. I don't feel like changing again so I just fold the top band over twice. I jump around a bit and they stay up okay. Cool. Heading downstairs I see Drew walking back from the front door. Um okay, why? Then I see his shoes off and another pair of shoes added to the pile by the door.

Aww he's making himself at home. Good, cuz he'll be here a lot from now on. I'm not letting him go anytime soon. Okay, that's sounds a little weird, but whatever.
I walk over the where he's sitting and grab the blanket that's thrown over the recliner and plop down next to him, covering us both up.

" Oh, thank you ." He smiles at me shyly. I smile back, turning to get my pizza only to see both cups filled and pizza already on both plates. I give him a questioning look.

" what?" He looks confused.
" you got mine for me too?"
" yeah..... Did you not want me to? I'm sorry. I just thought..... I ..." He babbled on, until my laughter cut him off.
" Woah there, calm down. Thank you. I just didn't expect it." He so sweet. Ahhhhhh. Internally swoons.
" Oh um y-you're welcome." He mumbles out.
I laugh.
" Just start the movie." I giggle out. He turns to start the move as I turn slightly leaning against his side, and begin eating my pizza. He tenses at first but slowly relaxes into me as well and picks up his pizza.

And that's how the night goes. Us leaned up against each other, eating pizza and laughing at the movie playing, before eventually falling asleep on each other.

How cliche.

But sometimes cliche is good.


Finally a new chapter, I'm so bad at coming up with complete thoughts. I start the chalet then not be able to finish is for a really long time. Ahhhh why!!!!! Anyways here it is. Comments are always welcomed. Do you like it? Where do you want to see this go? Whatever you'd like 😄

Goodbye for now

Kisses 💋


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