The introduction

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Frisk POV

I was walking up a mountain. Very many people have been talking about the one I was climbing. They said that some have come up there to never be seen again. I came to a hole in the mountain. I watched where I was going..but just then the mountain started to shake. It was scary...I fell down and only to be lying on a bed of golden flowers. 'Well Howdy!' ' Who and what are you?' 'My name is Flowey! Flowey the flower!' ' Well just tell me how to get out of here...' ' see that red thing glowing?' ' yea?.. Why is it important?' Well you see that, that is your give it more love and friendliness it will grow stronger! Do you want some Friendliness pellets?' ' No' ' Come get the pellets...come and get the pellets you little brat!' * Out of nowhere the flower was hit by a flaming ball* 'Ah a child so unbelievably young..what are you doing down here?' 'I fell...' 'Really?That's terrible! Come with me' '.....'

(Awhile later..they we're at Toriel's house)

Toriel's POV inside her mind..thinking

That child...I can't lay a finger on it...interesting. I will teach her...things about the Underground. She will have to know all of this..the only thing I worry about that she might turn on us.We must be prepared!

Toriel's POV talking

'Excuse me' ' ? ' '' 'My name is Frisk..' 'Hmm?' 'My's Frisk' 'Oh sorry...I have a few things on my mind.' ' Like what?' ' Well do you like butterscotch or Cinnamon?' 'Butterscotch why?' 'Instead I'll make both!' 'Then what was point of even asking?' 'Just to know you better!'

*Two hours later*
Frisk's POV

Toriel is sleeping. Toriel put me in one of her rooms in the house. I knew she was dead asleep...because I could hear just a faint snore. I decided to get up and "explore" the house. I notice the basement. I walk down the corridor. Only to be able to find a very decorated door. I was about to touch the handle of the doors...a moment of silence.

'FRISK!' I jumped in surprise. 'What?' 'Don't you DARE go beyond that door!' 'Why can I not?' 'You wish to know?...' 'yes..I do wish to know' 'That door keeps you on here...and I am going to destroy it..So don't even Try to Stop me!!!' I screamed 'Let me Go!' *silence was the only thing you could hear* 'heavily breath...fine but you will have to defeat me first'

That is it for now! I will make another part to within three days! :3 Stay awesome!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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