Blinded [Italy]

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You were blind since birth and being blind was hard for sure but you had a friend that helped you all the time- Feliciano Vargas. You met him when you were walking alone on the street. He seemed to be attracted to you for some reason. He felt like he had to take care of you. To his eyes, you seemed so helpless but in reality you weren't. You see, because one sense was gone the other seem to be stronger than normal which cause you to 'see' with your other senses and that not all, you were fighting villains in the shadows. You were perfectly fine on your own but you didn't have the heart to tell Feliciano. He always seemed so excited when it came to taking care of you, helping you, being with you in general. At the same time you liked being around Feliciano was also exciting for you. Over time you fell for the Italian but never confessed because of the fear of rejection so you kept it hidden for so long along with your secret hobby.

Feliciano comes to visit you and help you in the day, you'd dress in all black and patrol the city at night, it was routine. Today wasn't different, he came and cooked some pasta after he left you got dressed in an all black turtle neck and jean plus a black blindfold. You came across a man trying to take a woman's purse, he successfully got it and started running away From the roof you were watching from you jumped down in front of him, you roundhouse kicked him in the face he let got of the purse as you caught it and gave it back to the woman

"Thank you so much"

"Your welcome, ma'am"

You went back to your house when you knew the streets were clean. It was morning, you woke up and waited for Feliciano. He came in using the spare key you gave him.

"Hello Feli" you greeted purposely not looking at the door

"Ve~ Hello bella" he said

"How was your sleep?" You asked

"Fine, thank you bella" you sensed that he flashed as smile, like he always does

You could tell he went to the kitchen to cook some pasta. Afterward he went to where you were sitting and gave you a plate. He turned on the T.V. and sat next to you

"Last night, the Shadow Justice helped yet again another citizens. If you see this person please contact us so we can give her the Shadow Justice a 500,000,000 dollar reward" The report said as a blurry picture of you was shown.

You sweated slightly at this you thought he knew that was you since he was silent.

"Hmm that seems interesting" he said as you sighed in relief

The night came and he left to go to his own house the moment he left you dashed to your room and changed. Replacing your sunglasses with the black blindfold last. You jumped out your window, landing in a tree. Midnight came and you just finished your daily patrol. Satisfied with the lack of criminals, you headed back to your house when you heard a man's scream. It was Feliciano and he was being surrounded by four thugs . You quickly ran to the alley he was in and kicked the leader. They turned around to your direction

"You want some" one said  and tried to punch you

You dodged rather easily and punch that guy in the stomach and moved to the next guy, tripping him and grabbing him by the foot and using him to knock the forth guy. You ran to Feliciano and held him by the shoulders

"Feli, are you ok? Are you hurt?" You asked

"H-how do you know my name" he stuttered

You realized your mistake and tried to get away but he held you by your sides.

"Y/n?" He grabbed you blindfold and with one quick movement , he took it off

You looked down, clearly ashamed. He tried to look at your eyes but you turned away.

"Why didn't you say anything about.... this?" He gestured to you

You couldn't say anything as if there was a lump in your throat

"Are you even blind?" He tilted his head, the usual smile that made you feel safe, the smile he always wore, the smile you fell in love with was gone


You were walking down the road, purposely hitting a few things to hide your identity as the Shadow Justice. To your left you could hear some guys snickering then you tripped. One of those guy probably tripped you. You heard running, someone was running towards you then you felt someone helped you up.

"Are you ok bella?" He asked, his voice laced with concern

"I'm fine. Thank you" you said

"Feliciano Vargas, and you are?" He put out a hand, you didn't take it signalling that you were blind

"I'm y / n l/n"

"Oh, I need to take you to your house, you have a bruise" he didn't even mention that you were blind

"its fine, I can find my way home" but he was already taking you home. You saw his kindness. Out of all your years of being blind he was the first kind person you've met after your mother was murdered and your father was killed trying to avenge her. That night was the night you met Feliciano, that was the night you fell in love with him

Here you are now, your secret exposed to the last person you expected to find out. He heard him sigh

"His disappointed with you" you thought

Suddenly you felt warm and soft lips press against yours. The kiss was short but it was enough to shock you.


"So this is where you've been every night. Did you know I was so worried about you"


"I was so worried because I love you bella"


"I understand that you don't love me back, how could you love someone like me" he sighed

You snap out of your trance "how could you love someone like me?! I'm blind, nobody likes a blind girl around. Worst of all I lied to you, how could you still love me after I lied to you!?" You said tears threatening to come out.

"Because your special, bella." And with that he stole another kiss, this time you melted into the kiss. You parted for air

"I love you bella"

"I love you too Feli"

"And that's how I met your father" you smile at your two adorable kids

"Thats the best story ever, mommy"

"Yeah, mommy you were a hero like uncle Alfred"

"Yes but I was a real hero not like your uncle Alfred"

"We want another story, mommy"

"You want to hear the time I figured out what your father's curl does" you winked at the man at the door

"Please bella, don't tell them about that yet" Feliciano said blushing and turning away

"You still blush at that, honey?" He nodded

You chuckled, you have a wonderful family with the best husband by your side

That took a while to write but it was still fun. I'm pretty sure Alfred hates me for that last part tho. Oh here he comes right now, gotta go. See you in the next chapie

~ Janien 

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