Chapter 2

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~the next day~

Lisa's POV

I woke up not in my room which freaked me out, I sit up and see my phone on the nightstand I quickly get it to only find out it was drained of battery.

Dang it

I slowly get up and walk to the door, when I opened it a guy was standing there, I slowly walk back

Lisa- Who are you? Why am I here?

I ask putting my back against the wall

Tristan- I'm Tristan Grey and you passed out last night so I brought you here.

Lisa- I passed out?

I then remember what happened last night, the robber, him getting stabbed and me healing him, no that's not true I can't heal people

Tristan- Look I'm not going to hurt you just trust me here and I'll explain everything

Lisa- Tell me is me healing you a d-dream?

I stutter out scared to find out if I actually can heal people

Tristan- Yes

I just stare at him still taking in what he just said

Tristan- Look you have to eat before I tell you everything okay?

I just nod and follow behind him, we got down the stairs and go into the kitchen where he prepared pancakes

I sit across him as we both start to eat, I then realize he still didn't know who I am

Lisa- I'm Lisa by the way

He stops eating and looks at me

Tristan- As creepy as it may sound I know who you are

Lisa- Oh uh by YouTube?

Tristan- You can say that

Lisa- Why? How do you know me?

Tristan- I'm your protector

He says as he stands up and puts his plate in the sink, I do the same after and sit beside him on the couch.

Lisa- Would you please mind telling me what's going on now?

I ask looking at him as he looks at me as well

Tristan- Many of years ago there was a prophecy of where the door to the armis which is weaponry in Latin is to be opened by the five chosen ones known as the activators and one of them is you.

He pauses then continues

Tristan- But the prophecy also said it would be the day where humanity is wiped away forever. That day is coming soon that's why I have to make sure Arno, the guy who's going to want to make humans extinct doesn't get his hands on the weapons. Obviously I have to protect you that's why I'm here my real purpose is for you to be alive and not be used for something that's real bad.

Lisa- Who else are there? Who are the five chosen ones?

Tristan- Besides you there's Max Rossi, Gabby Yozhov, James Willis and Ian Barnes.

Lisa- Look why don't you guys get the weapon first if your protectors and all that?

Tristan- That's the point we are protectors and if we lay a finger on that weapon we'd destroy it but kill ourselves with it, it's not much to sacrifice one protector but we can't afford losing anyone else on this team.

I look at him in disbelief

Lisa- What about me healing you how does that fit in?

Tristan- I don't know this is the first time it has happened and is it the first time you healed people?

Lisa- Yeah, it only happened with you

Tristan- Maybe it is only with me

Lisa- Look as much as I want to believe everything you just said I can't okay I'm just Lisa Cimorelli not some prophesied, door opener.

I say standing up and turning my back to face him

Tristan- Your parents can tell you

I then look at him

Lisa- Take me home now

Tristan's POV

I drive with her to her parents' house I know where it is since well, because I need to you know. It was a silent car ride and I knew that she was taking in every word I said, so I let her be.

I pull over the driveway and enter the house with Lisa, I stayed back a bit then heard the things I was expecting to hear

Lynne- Where were you?!

Christina- Why weren't you answering your phone?!

Mike- Did something happen?

Lauren- Uh guys chill a minute Lisa can't answer all your questions all at once

I see Lisa smile, which I assumed was for Lauren

Lisa- Guys there was this guy and - -

She got cut off before she could even finish

Christina- What?! What the heck happened?!

Lynne- Lisa tell me what he did!

I then walk next to Lisa where they all could see me, I see all of the girls, Mike and Lynne, I'm assuming the boys are out or something

They all become silenced as Lisa just looked at her parents still waiting for an answer

Mike- Tristan...

I nod my head at them as I look at Lisa who is shocked again

Lisa- So everything he said i-is real?

Lynne- Lisa we were going to tell you but we also didn't want to ruin your life by this

Lisa- You kept this thing from me for so long and now that it's here you just want to give me up

She said her voice raised as she got to the end

Mike- Lisa...

She just shook her head and ran out the door slamming it shut behind her.

I just look back at Mike and Lynne

Tristan- I'll get her

I say and with that I walk out of the house

Author's Note

Hey 2 updates in a day that's progress right? hahah

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