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After four years I'm free, I was tired of just being that schizophrenic girl in quad nine. I walked out the double doors of Rawson Neal Psychiatric institution breathing in fresh air and squinting because the sun was too bright. I decided I would call for a cab to take me to the train station because I doubt anyone knew I was coming home, I doubt they even remembered me no one's come to see me for two years. It was around two in the afternoon so I would expect to be at the train station by three-thirty and then home by five. This facility is way on the outskirts of Vegas.....I'm not even sure if I remember where I live. The cab pulled up and I eased myself from the curb and handed the generous taxi driver my bag. He put it in the trunk as I situated myself into the backseat and buckled up. As we drove I watched the buildings and houses we passed by. I didn't know there was anything else out here.

By the time I got to the train station The train I was planning to take back home was already boarding, I hurriedly maneuvered my way to the front of the line and bought a ticket. Just having one bag became convenient seeing as though I had to run but either way I still made It. I sat down in seat 'B37' which just happened to be next to a breath stopping boy..... He looked up at me while my breath hitched in my throat and sent me an electrifying smile. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself so I acted as If I didn't care and just scoffed and rolled my eyes while putting my duffle bag in the luggage compartment overhead. I sat and got cozy in the seat next to him just as the revenue protection inspector came around to make sure we were in the correct seats on the right train, Funny thing is when he got around to my seat he neglected to check the guy next to me. I brushed the thought and focused on keeping myself occupied for the next two hours which I pray go by quickly.

Two freaking hours next to a guy that won't stop staring at me! Do I have something on my face! Is there something you need to get off your chest, damn stop staring at me! Great now I have a headache from thinking too loud. Finally the train came to a halt and all the passengers began to ready themselves except for the guy next to me. I grabbed my bag and got in the line of people standing to get off. I acquainted myself with yet another payphone and called yet another cab, Maybe I can remember where I live by the time it gets here.

The cab was taking forever and when it finally pulled around there was another person in the back seat, getting into the front seat of the cab the driver respectively asked me

"Where To?" Before I could answer a voice blared through the back seat and answer for me making my head snap to look and see who was behind me.

"We're going to the same place" He said, how fuckin' rude!

"And just where might that be" I asked him as the cab driver pulled off impatiently, I waited for an answer while he just sent me a sinister smirk. I already was frustrated with this guy and I didn't even know him, First he does nothing but stare at me on the train and now he thinks he knows where I'm going.

"Ma'am where to?" The cab driver asked again I was taken back by his tone of voice but responded by giving him the only address I remember. I'm sure he heard the guy before so why would he ask me? The driver just shook his head and proceeded to speed down the road. I looked back at the guy in the back seat and he smirked at me, who does he think he is?

In no time we pulled up in the driveway of a house that I recall to be familiar, I struggled to get out of the cab. I paid the man my cab fair and walked away to the front door of this house, and oh guess who followed me..... Ding, Ding, Ding! You're correct the weird ass guy just doesn't know how to go away. The door swung open just as I was about to knock and from behind it appeared an old gray-haired woman with a huge grin on her face.

"Reagan!" The jolly woman yelped as she engulfed me in a hug, I didn't have a choice but to hug back while the asshole guy next to me snickered under his breath. I pulled away from the hug and examined this woman.... I feel like I know her from somewhere.

"Oh dear lord Reagan, I know it's been a while but I thought you'd at least recognize your grandmother" She said pulling me inside the warm house and closing the door just as "Mr.Asshole" entered (Yup that's his name for now)

"You are my grammie aren't you" I chuckled out at the fact that I forgot what my grandmother looked like.

"Of course dear, and I've been waiting for you to get here" She spoke happily. I wonder how she knew I'd come here.

"Now I know it was a long ways here so we'll talk in the morning, you just get settled in and if you get hungry the kitchen is just to the left of the dining room."

"Thank you, where is my room again" I asked as if she had already told me.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's the third door to the right up the stairs theirs also bathroom in the room as well." She reassured me. I gave her one last hug and made my way towards my room. When I entered Mr.Asshole was already there just sitting on my bed, I decided to just ignore him and get myself situated. He was obviously gonna be a problem....

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Hello my lovely followers, Nice to write for you guise again.

New story I guess

Inspired by Kr- I$0lyf3 (Mixtape Trailer) - Speaking of that.... Most of you are mindless fans so If you know who Rachel is you've probably seen it, If not.... Go Watch That Shit. Personally I liked it!

Again It's feel awesome writing again, lets just hope I don't fall off with this one!

The Devil Within... [Coming Soon]Where stories live. Discover now