Notice Board

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Sun. 6/5/16 - If anyone wants their living place in a private chapter like the cottages in the village, them put it in the suggestions chapter. And if you look at my cottage (the first one) there are little notifications from me in there. If any of you guys want that, just PM me or comment your notification on your chapter. Then I'll put it on the chapter so you don't have to go through the comments to see it. ~ Leaf :3 ~

Thu. 6/2/16 - If anyone wants to add a new place for your storyline or somethin', just put it in the suggestions chapter. It'll probably be up the next day, as long as my phone doesn't die. ~ Leaf :3 ~

Mon. 5/30/16 - To apply for a job (Eg. Principal of School) just comment on the page you want a job on. ~ Leaf :3 ~

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