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Sister and I were watching a circus show,
She asked, "What's mask, do you know?"

She realized,
That question made me surprised

She politely said, "People have been wearing a mask for so long",
Hiding what's right or wrong

She advised me,
To be mask free

She uttered few lines,
Deep and valuable like gold mines

"They love the mask, but I can't breath through its lies,
They love the mask, but I can't see through its eyes"

"They love the mask, but I can't speak with its tongue,
They love the mask, but I can't hear when its on the song sung"

You will always feel safe behind it,
But what if it started peeling bit by bit

Unfolding all your feeling,
Would you still look as pretty and appealing

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are,
Then only u will be called a unique star

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