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"I should've suspected such a rat was behind this." Will said, expertly pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose with his Reaper Scythe. His ex-apprentice whizzed around and hissed. She held out her hand and another record landed into it.

"It doesn't matter. You gave my apprenticeship to a pompous, womanizing jackass! I am simply fixing the wrong you did to me." The Reaper shouted as she scribbled in the book. William T. Spears did not have time for this. His impatience turned to anger.

"So you are going to throw your dear and hard-earned work down the drain? Is that it? If so, you and Grell really do belong together." The annoyed Reaper concluded. The woman paused and then scribbled maliciously in the book. Will's eyes darted down as his leg horribly twisted and snapped. He grimaced. This must be my record, then.

"You put this on yourself, Will. I treated you with a lot of respect... I don't want to do this to you." She said, biting her lower lip and fumbling with her thumbs. She is nervous. Will thought expectantly.

"If you feel so badly, then you should just stop this. A small punishment is in order, however. But I will only provoke your membership for-"

"Oh, shut up, Will! Get it past your thick skull that I want you dead! I don't want to kill you, but I hate you! Why can't you just- huh... You will." She finished deviously. Whereas before Will was impatient, he began to accompany the feeling of fear. He kept a casually bored expression and was able to slow his heart-rate.

"And exactly, what will you have me do, Karen? Revoke your apprenticeship to Reaper Sutcliff?" Will asked angrily. As she began to respond, Will launched his Reaper Pruning Scythe at the record, in attempt to grab it out of her hands. She dodged the attack just in the nick of time. As she stared a murderous look at him, she wrote something in the book and Will's other leg snapped like a toothpick. He gasped and fell on his knees. He clutched the scythe and was able to stand. Using his scythe as a cane, he leaned heavily upon the record shelf. Karen wrote something else in his book and his glasses bent horribly and shattered. His face grew grim.

"If you do not know the importance of reapers and their glasses-"

"Then why be a Reaper? I know. You were the one who taught me that, remember?" She spat at him. He glared at her fuzzy outline. He leaned up against the shelves and used his scythe again, but missed. She didn't even move. He just missed. Laughing pitifully, Karen wrote one last thing and Will's pruning rod twisted and bent. As Will retracted the rod it stopped at the bend and broke. Will now leaned against the shelves broken, defenseless, and blind.

"Don't you see, 'Master Reaper'? I won't be continuing my education under the Shinigamis. Why, you ask? Because I will be leading them as their god." She said with a grand, yet highly unnecessary gesture. Will laughed, catching her off guard. She stormed over and kicked Will to the ground. He landed painfully as his head collided with the marble floor. She grabbed Will's throat and lifted him off of the floor. He coughed and struggled to breathe. She sneered.

"I will be a God. And you won't get in my way." She snarled. All humanity and restraint had left her mind. Squeezing tighter, Will struggled even harder. Her grip turned iron and Will lost his ability to see. She threw him down and Will gasped and coughed raggedly. He glanced up and saw a fuzzy outline of his apprentice as she wrote one last thing in the record. He heard her one last time.

"Goodbye, Master Reaper." Then, Will's last coherent thoughts before the world fell into an endless dark abyss was, Who am I?

Okay!  I am going to ask for HeLp because I have no clue how to write the next chapter.  If you have any ideas, please tell me in the Comments!  I am up for anything as long as it does NOT involve Ciel or SebbySorry for that, but seriously.  Ciel and Sebastian are so overused.  Preferably just Will.  Maybe some Good 'ole Grell though...

Kuroshitsuji:  A Lost ReaperWhere stories live. Discover now