Welcome to Night Vale

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This takes place after Parade Day.

Cecil gritted his teeth as he sat in his cell and listened to Lauren and Kevin talk about StrexCorp. He looked angrily at the speaker as if he could shut it up with his mind, this of  course being impossible only the hooded figures could do that. 

Sighing Cecil leaned his head against the stone wall behind him. His arms were tied over his head and while his tentacles could move freely they weren't strong enough to rip the chains of his hands. 

The cell he was in wasn't much to look at, it was small room covered in stone and dried bloodstains (luckily not his) there was a door across of but it was locked with no windows. 

Cecil closed his eyes and tried to focus on the speaker to hear if they said anything about the town.

"-  Or...almost great. There is...one scientist we expected to find there, and we did not find him. He has such perfect hair!" 

A big smile spread across Cecil's face and an heavy weight, he didn't even know were there, was lifted of his shoulders. 

'Carlos was safe. Carlos was safe. Oh beautiful, perfect Carlos with his flowing hair was safe.' Cecil reopened his eyes again with new confidence.

He looked around the room again to really make sure there was nothing there he could use to help him escape. The room remained empty and Cecil felt as if it glared back at him and maybe it did, maybe all walls are staring at us and judging silently everything we do. In the corners of the room Cecil could see, what he hoped to be, barbecue covered cloth pieces but he highly doubted it. 

He leaned his head back to the wall and closed two of his eyes, letting the third on be on the lookout if anybody came through the door. Cecil thoughts began wander and the more he thought the more questions he got.

'Where is Carlos? Is Dana okay? Are people looking for me? What happened to intern Sean? Why is Lauren and Kevin hosting my radio show?' Cecil didn't have a good answer to any of those questions. And the worst part about it was that he was powerless, he had been imprisoned after the attack against Strex had failed. All Cecil could do now was sit and wait. That was probably the worst part about this.

Cecil continued to try and come up with an escape plan but before he knew it he had fallen asleep. Apparently after three days of stress and little sleep could make a blood-covered and cold cell into a nice sleeping place.

Unfortunately for Cecil he was rudely awoken twenty minutes later by the door opening. Even if Cecil had just woken up he could feel his whole body tensing when the door slowly opened. His tentacles followed his body's response and moved to a more defensive stand. 

In the doorway was no one else but Lauren and Kevin themselves. 

Cecil immediately gritted his teeth at them before lashing out a tentacle at them. But they were just out of his reach.

"Now now Mr. Palmer you wouldn't want us to be forced to restrain your.......extra parts now would you" Lauren spoke up in a threatening but sweet voice while gesturing to Cecil tentacles.

Slowly Cecil moved them, not wanting to have the last limbs he could move freely restrained as well. But for safety measurements he kept them around him, creating a small wall separating them so he could just see them.  

Kevin and Lauren simply smiled and moved into the room carrying two chairs, which they put down in front of Cecil. 

The door suddenly closed and Cecil winced slightly at the loud noise but neither Kevin nor Lauren seemed to notice. 

"Well I guess you must be wondering why, you know, you're imprisoned and we're running the show." Kevin said in a cheerful manner. 

"The explanation is quite simple really." Lauren continued still smiling. "You see here at StrexCorp we reward hard working employees but we have to punish those who does not work." 

"And starting a revolution to take down Strex is not very productive, now is it Cecil." Kevin said addressing the man in front of him.

Cecil simply glared at Kevin with furious eyes, who seemed completely oblivious.  He had decided that they weren't going to get a single word out of him, tho this is a lot harder than it seems especially for Cecil who always speaks what comes to his mind.

Lauren sighed deeply and looked at Cecil as if he was a mislead child who needed to learn

"Mr. Palmer you're not making this easy for us. All we want is to help you and your non working town. That's why I thought-"

"StrexCorp thougth." Kevin corrected.

"That you could continue hosting the radio show." Lauren finished.

This time Cecil couldn't stop himself. "If you want to 'help' us then do you care to explain why I'm shackled to the wall, Tamika is in prison, all of the citizen is stuck in some sadistic work camp and why Carlos is missing?!" Cecil almost screamed in their faces.

Even though he had shouted at them, their smiles grew slightly bigger when they got a reaction out of him.

"Well as I said earlier they weren't productive enough, but this company picnic will help them reach their full productive potential."

"But apparently some Night Vale citizens didn't like that you stopped hosting the radio show and were replaced by us. And that's is understandable foolish people always have a habit of clinging to meaningless things."

"Wait did you just call Night Vale fool-" Cecil started say but was interrupted by Lauren.

"So that's why StrexCorp thought it would be a good idea if you and, wait for it, Kevin co-hosted the show!"

Kevin and Lauren smiled at Cecil while doing jazz hands. Cecil just stared at both of them as if they had grown second heads and started to scream the declaration of independence in a scottish accent.

After maybe two minutes of jazz hands and silence, Cecil finally spoke

"You want me......to host the radio show with........Kevin?" They both nodded vigorously. "And what if I refuse?"

Lauren and Kevin looked at each other for a moment before bursting into a laughter that reminded Cecil of styrofoam being drawn against each other. 

"Oh, you're such a joker Cecil." Lauren said still laughing.

They both suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Cecil with, a still smiling but, serious expressions.

"You have no choice." 

A/N: I just wanted to something about Night Vale and Desert Bluffs. I might continue on this....maybe.      

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