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Stefans POV

"Your precious little sister married my brother" Klaus says. "What" I yell jumping up. "Once again Nik. Where. Is. He." she demands. "Well I assume he's back at the house with Rebekah, but I'm not quite sure" he says taunting her. "You didn't" she says. "Oh but I did" he replies. She storms out of the grill followed by Klaus chasing after her. "We have to follow them" I say and we leave. "What were they talking about?" Elena asks. I shrug. We walk in to see a chair fly by. "Why'd you have to undagger them" Klaus yells popping up from behind a couch to throw a vase. "Why'd you have to dagger them in the first place" Lucy yells throwing a book. "Stop it" We yell and they drop everything to stare. "Why are you here" the say at the same time and then laugh. "Wait. Whats happening?" I ask. "I must say Nik, you do put on a brilliant show" Lucy says. "And I must applaud you as well" Klaus replies. "What is happening" I ask. "Wait did they but it?" A blonde girl, I'm assuming Rebekah, says walking in. They both nod. "What" I ask. "I tricked you thats what" Lucy says smirking. "Rebekah and Kol were undaggered a month ago. They daggered me about 3 weeks ago so you would come look for me" she says smirking. "Why Lucy?" Damon asks. "We needed to know what you knew about us. And according to Lucy here, your more clueless than we thought" Kol says walking in and Lucy smiles. He walks over and puts his arm around her. Damon and I growl. "Lucy doesn't he bother you?" I ask. "If he did I wouldn't of married him" she says. Thats who they were talking about. Shit

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