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There is three main gods known to the people of this land. One of darkness, which is chaos and evil. One of light which is good and tyrannical, and one of balance, who guards the peace between the two.

The God of light, Tyrannuslucis, also known as The Lightbringer. His teachings are of order and honor. His words are of dedication and loyalty. He is the most common God of the land, and the main collection of human kingdoms follow his ways. His servants are said to be mystical beings seemingly made of light, that serves out his will in times of need on the mortal plane. Some rumors circulated that these beings were once dedicated mortal warriors of The Lightbringer.

His church is grand, and holy. Asserting his rule and protection over the humans of the world. Every king in the land of Suscitatrixas is blessed by Tyrannuslucis and serve as his Champion on the mortal plane. (Level 10) As of such, only a dedicated and stout believer of the light, may serve as King and the right hand of the light. In addition, the king is granted great powers by The Lightbringer, making him a fierce opponent only few would dare challenge, and one even fewer has managed to overcome.

There is also a council made out of the leading heads of the church. They are tasked with some of the domestic affairs of the realm, as well as keeping the faith of the people. The tasks often ensued to them is combating the servants of the Dark God. As of such, under the authority of the church, The light Crusade was formed.

These warriors range from the weak to the outmost elite forces of the kingdom. Their tasks range from a wide range of difficulties, and so, anyone who is strong in the faith can be accepted into the order.

"The purpose of mortals, is to serve their fellow man. To obey the light." - Tyrannuslucis The Lightbringer.

Then there is the God of darkness. Bestiatenebris the Wild.
His teachings are of chaos and selfishness, a counterpart to The Lightbringer. Few humans serve the God of darkness, yet those who do become very powerful. Alas, Bestiatenebris gives nothing for free.

His ranks on the mortal plane often work indifferent of each other, sometimes not even aware of one another's existence. Though on branch of human followers is known to all man, a name who invokes fear and terror. The cult of Chaos.

The oldest and most feared of the cults. The have existed for as long as The Lightbringer's church. Some scholars have speculated they might even out-date it.

Their dealings has always been in the dark, infiltrating the human organizations and enthralling them to do the work of evil. Feeding the humans into anger and fear, which is the source of Bestiatenebris' power on the mortal. Much of this power once got poured into making his current champion rise to even greater power, creating the demon lord PurusMortem, (Level 11) who was one of the most powerful champion of dark to date. He almost succeeded in destroying the kingdom of Light, when the most powerful champion of balance to date, Endura (level 14) transcending upon him, slaying him and splitting his souls into three fragments.

"For your power, you have cast away your humanity."  - Endura's words to PurusMortem before killing him.

After that, the Cult of Chaos lost much of their power, being reduced to an operation that worked in the dark again. Though lately, many whispers of their strong return is being spread across the kingdom.

"Give yourself to me, for the light is but blind dedication." - Bestiatenebris the Wild.

The final God. The nameless God of balance, is commonly referred to as The Guardian, as he guards the balance between the two other gods. He is the most powerful God, yet also the one most disinterested in common affairs, only taking action in times of great need, should one God seek to destroy the other. His work is of peace and balance, abstinence and indulge to an even amount.

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