Suga ~ 2

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Finally getting home from work, you took off your shoes and hanged your jacket in the hallway closet.

You hadn't felt this stressed out in ages. Your boss was on your back all day, nothing seemed to go right today because you kept on dropping things or just completely messing things up, your feet were killing you and your headache was just the cherry on top.

All you could think about is having a relaxing shower and going to sleep, but your thoughts got interrupted by someones voice.

"You're home?" He asked, walking closer to you.

"Yeah" You answered as you walked towards him as well and gave him a quick kiss.

You weren't exactly in the mood to be with anyone at the moment so you brushed passed him and went to your bedroom, with him following right behind you.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asked. "Get your mind distracted from work" That would usually work on you because you loved to cuddle with him on the couch while you watched a movie, but for some reason today you just felt like being alone.

"No thanks" You answered.

That took him by surprise, so he started to suggest other things to do.

"You haven't had dinner yet, do you want to make it together?" He asked with his famous smile plastered on his face while he sat down on the bed.

It was hard saying no to that face, but you knew that the food wouldn't be edible if you both cooked it.

You shook your head, turned around to your bedroom closet and started to take off your clothes.

"Do you want me to join you in the shower?" He asked, again.

It started to annoy you that he wouldn't give you some space when you clearly didn't want to do anything with him.

You did love him, you really did. But sometimes people needed their private time to their selves so that they can relax and stay sane.

"Not today Yoongi, sorry" You said as you looked back at him to see his disappointed face.

You thought that because you had rejected all his offers he would have left by now, but he didn't.

"Do you not want to do anything with me?" He asked a bit annoyed.

You started getting more annoyed by the second because he wouldn't leave you alone.

"Honestly, no. I want to be on my own" You gave him a straight up answer. You didn't want to be mean, he was just getting on your nerves.

"So I stayed up for nothing?" He asked rhetorically, not expecting to get an answer.

"Well I guess you did" You answered, which just made him more angry.

"Hey!" He started. "You're not the only one that had a tough day you know"

"Oh yeah, because singing and dancing around is just so hard" You said sarcastically while waving your hands around.

He got up from his sitting position on the bed feeling really hurt from what you said. "Then what about you? As if making coffee was so difficult" He fought back.

Leaving your button up shirt unfolded in your closet, you turned around and came face to face with him.

"For your information it is hard, because you get bossed around by everyone" Your face then started to get flustered as you realised that you were having a fight with your boyfriend in your bra and every few seconds he would check you out.

You turned back around to properly hang your shirt up.

"My job isn't a piece of cake either" You heard him start walking. "You should try it for a day" He said before he left the room.

You sighed and stopped what you were doing.

You didn't want to fight with him and you instantly regretted what you said.

While you were trying to button up the shirt again, the button wouldn't go through the hole and it started to frustrate you.

In the end, you threw it down on the bed with the rest of your clothes and just went in to the shower, hoping that he would forgive you for what you said.

 -After your shower-

After your long and relaxing shower, you felt much better and calmer.

But he was still on your mind and you wanted to make up before going to sleep, because if not, it would be very awkward.

When you finished getting in to your pyjamas, you started feeling hungry because you still hadn't had dinner, so you went to the kitchen to see what snack you could have before going to bed.

On your way there, you had to pass the living room and, as if you didn't know already, he was on the couch with his notebook and pen in hand.

You got a bit sad when he didn't even glance at you when you walked passed him.

As you looked in the fridge you could hear him leave the living room to go somewhere else.

Suddenly the guilt hit you like a truck and your hunger quickly disappeared.

Just go and apologise - You thought.

Plucking up courage to go and apologise, you walked around the house to see where he was and nailing it down to the bedroom, you stopped at the door and thought of what you'd say.

After a while of thinking, you went in and there he was, laying in bed in bed on his phone with his earphones in.

Your mind suddenly went blank and your feet automatically took you to your on suite. While you were there, you took advantage of the situation and did everything you needed to do before going to sleep.

After that, you went back to the bedroom, almost forgetting you guys had a fight.

You got in bed and stayed still facing upwards, still not knowing how to start.

Suddenly the lights turned off, probably because he was going to sleep, but you both knew very well that neither one of you was going to sleep unless you made up.

Deciding you didn't want to be a coward, you turned to face him and saw he had his back towards you.

You scooted closer to him and wrapped your arm around his torso.

"I'm sorry" You started. "I shouldn't have said what I did. I know you work really hard at your job. It's not easy being famous"

There was a moment of silence and you didn't know what to do.

"And I'm sorry that I was so rude to you when you were trying to cheer me up" You finished.

After what felt like an eternity, you felt his arm over yours, he held your hand and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.

"I'm sorry too" He said and turned towards you. "I shouldn't have said anything either. I've never worked at a cafe" He lightly chuckled.

You smiled and laid your head on his upper arm as he wrapped it around you as you both drifted off to sleep.


I just want to point out that the short scenarios will make more sense if you see the pictures that I attach at the beginning of each story because that's where I get the ideas from.

IG | kpop_trash_forever

  P.S: I also take requests for any of the members!  

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