Chapter 1: Ring Ring Ring

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         Jenna was in her bathroom trying to find the perfect piece of jewelry to wear. Until someone rang the doorbell rang and first she ignored it but when it rang again she yelled, "Mom someone is at the door." Her mom didn't reply so Jenna went to the door. There was an old lady there she said, "Hello young girl do you want to buy some jewelry from me?" "Uh no thank you my mom told me that I am not allowed to buy things from strangers." "Look at what I have to offer." Said the old lady. Jenna peered into the basket and said, "Wow but I should not." Said Jenna shaking her head. "Well I will give you this ring for free."

Said the old lady slipping the ring onto Jenna's finger. The old lady left, Just then her mom came running inside. "What is it Jenna, I was outside with Roxy, (Jenna's dog) and then I heard you yelling," "Well mom there was an old lady at the door and she was trying to sell me jewelry and--" "Wait stop right there did you buy anything from her?" Asked Jenna's mom. "No why would I." Said Jenna suspiciously. "Well that's being a good girl."

The Naughty RingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon