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Wattpad decided to keep freezing while I was writing this, and I thought I lost it, thank gOD I didn't :,D

I would have screamed if it did-


The following morning, you woke up to the sound of the TV on. Sans had suggested you take his bed, but you declined and slept on the couch. You continued to 'rest your eyes' as you listened to the TV.

"This morning, we have found NiceCream Rabbit, Undyne, and our hero Alphys to be missing. There was blood found by the crime scenes, yet no other evidence to prove who did it was uncovered."

Your tired eyes shot open and you stared at the TV in shock. Three people were killed? All in one day? Then remembering the blood on Sans' clothes, you rolled over on your back to look up at Sans' room. Could it have been him? He did leave the house quite often. You didn't want to assume the worst of him, so you got up to go question him.

Knocking on his door, you quickly spoke, "Sans. . .Sans! Wake up! We need to talk!"

Your knocking and yelling seemed to have woken him up, as you heard an groggily 'Come in. . .' sound from the inside. You opened the door to see a very tired Sans look back at you as you stepped inside.

"I have a question," you began. Sans nodded for you to continue, sitting up.

"The news was talking about how they found three people dead, and. . .I just remembered that you came back with blood on you," you mentioned. Sans seemed to have gotten a little scared, but you assumed it was from the news and reminder of yesterday.

"U-um. . .Are you sure you had nothing to do with it?" you asked.

"[Y/n], I told you, I would never do such a thing!" Sans was quick to answer.

"Then. . .were you attacked?" you questioned on. Sans nodded quickly.

"Y-yes! I was attacked, but I ran away just in time—I—I tripped and fell into some blood. . .and that's why I had blood on me," he replied. He knew if he told you the truth, you would never like him back.

". . .You're okay, right?" you asked.

"Yep!" Sans answered simply, putting on a false grin.

You smiled at him in response, saying a simple, "Good!"

It was silent for a moment.

"Would you like some tacos, [Y/n]?" Sans questioned, breaking the silence. You nodded.

"Okay!" Sans got up and went down the stairs, stars in his eyes. He smiled a true smile this time; he was happy you appreciated his taco-making.

You followed him down the stairs, your once soft smile now turning to a frown as you remembered what you heard from the news.


As you continued to stay on the couch, waiting for the tacos, tears welled up in your eyes as you thought of the innocent lives that were lost. Sans had just come out as he heard your sniffles and saw your tears. He sat next to you, still holding the plate of tacos.

"Are you alright, [Y/n]. . ?" he questioned, worried. You sniffed and lightly shook your head.

"N-no. . .I just. . .don't understand. . .Why would anyone do this?" you whimpered. "Why would someone kill poor, innocent Undyne or NiceCream. . ?"

This Isn't You. . .{Yandere!Underswap!Sans x reader} Where stories live. Discover now