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     For the longest time the only thing I saw was darkness. An eternity of it. Everywhere I looked, there was nothing but black space. But then, after what seemed like months, a light appeared and the world was bright for a good while. Then, the light faded and I could see the world around me. 

     There was an open field all around, with trees and mountains off in the distance. The sound of waves made me turn around, bringing into view an ocean directly behind. Footsteps, followed by a groan, caused me to turn around again. Some creature was walking towards me, its skin a sickly green. It moaned again, and even though I had very few memories, I knew what it was. Zombie. It didn't seem to be very strong, but then again, neither was I. I started backing away from it, not fully knowing what it would do if it caught me, but I was pretty sure I didn't want to find out.

     The mob kept advancing, shuffling slowly and groaning every few steps. I kept backing away, watching as it grew nearer. But soon, there was no where else to go. The zombie in front of me, and a cliff to my back, I was pretty sure I was going to die before I even got to do anything here. Then, before I even knew what was going on, a sword emerged from its chest.

     It stood there for a minute, then fell over with a loud grunt, and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The man wielding the sword stared at where the zombie fell, then turned to me and pushed his red sunglasses up before saying, "Welcome to Mianite."

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