Chapter 5

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 In absolute horror, I sat up slowly in the bed with the free arm I had. I stared at Kollen, not thinking what to say. Then it hit me.

"You know what happened, don't you? When I showed you those bruises on my ribs, you didn't do anything. You stood there in shock, I could see the guilt in your eyes," I explained.

Kollen stood five feet infront of my with his plaid button-up shirt unbuttoned, a white t-shirt underneath, dark denim jeans and his army boots. He kind of reminded me of a cowboy...But that's besides the point; I am terrified and enradged of him. How could he do this?

Kollen paused, a blank expression on his face. I looked deep into his eyes to find an answer. Like in my 'dream,' they weren't as dark of eyes as they usually were. His eyes had a tint of greenish-yellow. As I searched one more time through his mysterious eyes, my head dropped in disappointment, letting my medium-long brown hair fall infront of my face. Kollen had known why I had bruises on my ribs. Which proves my dream was real.

The bed creeked under the weight from Kollen. He held my chin, lifting it up to his face. To my surprise, his eyes were a dark ritch brown again. They saw the hot tears streaming down my face, fright in my eyes. Kollen unfolded his hand from under my chin, and slowly moved it around to the side of my face, cupping my cheek in his large hand. Kollen's expressions turned from blankness, to sorrow.

"I'm so sorry baby. I only have a few moments to exaplin everything," his eyes started shining with wetness from salty tears. I knew exactly what he meant; the monster that had attacked me is taking over him.

Listening to Kollen start his story, I fought every nerve in my body that screamed for me to run away, and moved my body next to Kollen's grabbing his hand in mine. I looked him in the eyes, "Go on, then."

Kollen took a deep, shakey breathe. "It all started when Lyza started to act strange. Have you noticed how he has acted a little jittery, and almost as if he's stalking people?" I nodded. "Well, he was turned. Into that - " I hushed him of what he was about to say.

"You don't have to say it, I understand." He nodded in agreement.

"The night after I asked you to homecoming, after I dropped you off back home, I saw a car in my rearview mirrior; the same one that had followed me from since I dropped you off. So I pulled over on the highway by the woods, as did the car behind me. We both stepped out of our cars, facing eachother. I noticed it was Lyza. I tried to say his name, but he never responded. He started stalking towards me, not saying a word. About five feet away from me, I saw his eyes. They were glowing, Caryssa. It wasn't him. He looked angry, and he almost never gets angry. I ran into the woods as fast as I could trying to get away. But about twenty yards into the woods, he caught up. And he caught up fast. He tackled me to the ground; but with four paws. I turned around to see this huge jaw snarling at me - a wolf jaw. He - or it, I should say - bit into my shoulder, then ran away. It left me there. I suffered laying there until morning. I felt myself ... changing. Then as fast as the sun had come up, I was standing on four huge paws. Another soul inside me fought me inside my own head; kicking me out of my own body. And it took control," Kollen tilted his head down towards his hands, studying them. I turned his face towards me, clearing away the salty water gliding down his cheecks with my shakey thumbs.

"Kollen, whatever this is, I promise you, I will help you. You know I will. We'll fight this together, okay?" I told him.

He started to sob even more. "But Caryssa, you don't get it. That night when you got those bruises, that was because of that other sould inside of me. He fought me away again, looked through my memory, and found you. It drugged you at the stadium to make you think we were at homecoming; like you could trust me - it. That thing," Kollen faced towards me one more time. "It changed you, too."

I suddenly became dizzy. This could not be happening. So what Kollen was saying, everything that has been happening to him, well happen to me? I snapped my head facing him. "How can we stop this?" I asked with a sharp tone. Kollen shook his head, "I have no idea. But I swear to you, I will fight every once of what's left of me for you. I don't wish for you to be what Lyza and I are. We have to find some sort of a cure," his voice trailed off, his eyes gliding towards the ground. "He just spoke to me. He's never done that," Kollen whispered. I realized he meant the other person inside of him; the wolf. Kollen snapped his head towards me, "He wants you to pick out a black dress for homecoming. And I'm picking you up at seven, sharp." Kollen lifted his hand slowly pushing the hair infront of my face behind my ear. "I'm going to find something, anything, to make sure nothing bad happens during homecoming night." He spoke as he glided his hand down to the side of my neck, and down my side. I winced as he glided over the golf ball sized bruises on my ribs, staying as still as I could. Kollen held his hand right there, as some sort of energy seemed to travel from his hand into the depth of my right side; and some of the pain lifted away. I looked up at him in amazement as he concentrated his energy to my pain. As Kollen started to wrap both of his arms around me, I felt the engery start to serge back into where his hand was held. He held me into his chest, letting my listen to his racing heart. After a moment, I just sat there and started sobbing like a baby. Every ounce of emotion that has been held inside me all week just let go, and flew out of my eyes, soaking Kollen's shirt. His hands started rubbing up and down my back, trying to calm the shaking girl laying in his arms.

"It's ok, baby, everything's ok," Kollen started hushing my quiet wimpers. He laid me back down on his bed, then started to lay next ot me. We faced eachother for a few moments, until he slid his hand up to my face, stroking every tear that had hit my cheeks away. Kollen leaned in towards me and kissed my cheek, making his way to my mouth. His soft lips planted on mine, moving together perfectly. I gave into the kiss, cradeling my crippled arm to my stomache. As he let go of the kiss, I buried my head in the open space between us and back onto his chest. The spot where I had let all my emotions leave my eyes and onto Kollen's shirt was still damp. We lay there the rest of the day. A couple times, when I fell asleep, Kollen had to remove himself and go outside for some air because he could feel the other guy in his head trying to take over. He's learning how to control it, I guess.

How could I conceive and control another soul inside of me trying to take over when I can barely even handle Kollen trying to contain it?

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