Derek Hale?

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I do not own any characters from teen wolf I do own Emily, she is the only character I own. I owe all my rights to Jeff Davis.


"Fr*ckin, mmhhhh!"he groaned as he ripped the arrow from his shoulder.
"I am so sorry!" I said for the millionth time.
He looked at me with a smile plastered on his face, a gorgeous one may I add.
"I'm really ok" he said looking down at my hands that were still gripping his arm tightly.
     "Come on," I said while standing up, "my parents have taught me what to do if I shoot someone." I jumped up holding my hand out for him.
     "Have you shot someone before?" He asked laughing.
     "Believe me, many times" I said trying to keep the supernatural out of the conversation.
     "Your not going to take me me out behind your house to shoot me are you" he questioned, I didn't know if he was serious or not.
     "Why would I want to do that? And anyway who would want to hurt a pretty face like yours" I said confidently.
     "Don't worry, I have only really killed someone once." He laughed at my statement, but I let the regretful thought drift back into my memories. We approached my house minutes later.
      "Come on," I said gesturing him inside my house. He looked at the name Argent that was plastered on the door.
"How did you know my name, again?" He asked, glaring at me suspiciously.
     "My Dad maybe? But my parents aren't home if that's what your worried about. Do you know my dad, Chris Argent? He sells guns to the local law enforcement." I lied, he shook his head slowly back and forth an unsure look was still plastered on his face.
I grabbed his hand leading him up to my bedroom.
"One sec, I just have go tell Allison that I'm home" I said.
I slowly opened the door to Allison's room, I gasped when I saw what was going on.
She was making out with a boy that looked about 16.
Allison's head shot in my direction, so did the boys. She she got off of the boy awkwardly.
"Allison," I said laughing awkwardly "I just wanted to tell you I was home, looks like you didn't need me here anyway" I said teasingly.
Derek popped his head in the room with an amused look on his face, it was soon washed off once he realized the other man in the room, he glared at him.
"Scott" he growled.
"Derek" the boy said clenching his teeth.
"So I'm guessing you two know each other?" I said.
"Believe me, we know each other" Scott stated.
"Emily, do you mind?" She said gesturing to Scott and herself. "And I won't tell if you don't," she said looking at Derek.
"Deal, and sorry for intruding," I said making my way out of the room.
I ran to the door of my room, eager to get out of that awkward situation.
"Well that" I said clasping my hand together. "But let's get you taken care of."
"No I'm really fi-." He continued but I cut him off before he could finish.
"No, really it's ok. It the least I can do. Since I kinda did just shoot you" I said giggling.
     "Take off your shirt" I commanded which made him raise his eyebrows.
      "Oh my god," I said putting my head in my hands, "not like that." My cheeks turned rosy red as I looked at him. It couldn't get anymore embarrassing than it already was. He just started laughing.
      He toss his shirt and jacket aside. My eyes were fixated on his like, 12 pack. Oh my god, how can anyone even have that many muscles!
      "You like what you see?" He teased while flexing his muscles. I felt my face flush a hot pink once again.
        I grabbed the first aid kit that I had recently put in my bathroom and started pulling the arrow head out of his shoulder trying to get this whole thing over with.
      "You know I-" before I could finish my sentence, he put his finger to his lips just as I finished pulling the arrow head out of his shoulder.
      "Someone's coming" he said, I quickly shoved him in his closet just as my door was creaked open.
      "Hey sweetie, your mom and I just got home from the store," my dad said as he started to walk into my room. My heart was beating like crazy.
     "Who were you talking to?" He questioned.
     "Oh just myself" I said laughing as I sat on my bed, my eyes drifted to the floor where I saw Derek's shirt and jacket laying. My dads eyes followed to where I was looking.
      "Whose clothes are those?" He questioned.
"Mine" I replied as I slid the jacket on and kicked the shirt under my bed.
      "That looks like doesn't look like something you'd wear" he said suspiciously.
      "It's new, I thought it was cute, and it totally goes with the new dress I bought yesterday," I said shoving him out the door "I'll see you when dinners ready" I said slamming the door in his face before he could say anything else.
      "Teenage girls" he mumbled before I heard him walk away.
      I quickly ran to the closet pulling Derek out.
"I'm so sorry, my dad would've killed me if he found out you were here." I admitted.
"What, are you daddy's little girl?" He teased.
I stuck my tongue out punching him in his bad shoulder but he didn't even flinch. I looked at it seeing that there wasn't even a scratch. I knew he saw my facial expressions change. Werewolf! I grabbed a knife that I kept in my boot and pressed it against his neck and slammed his back against the wall. It all made sense why he didn't want to in my house, he knew we we're hunters.
      "Get out, now," I whispered. "My dad will kill you if he knows your here," I said trying to help him. I backed away from him to let him leave. He grabbed his shirt from under my bed and walked towards the window but I stopped him placing my hand on his upper arm. He turned back to me with an annoyed look on his face.
"I know that you probably hear this a lot but, I'm sorry for what my aunt Kate did to your family," his face softened as I said this, "I know what it's like to loose someone and I know what it's like to take someone's life. Kate never should have done that to your family, because they were innocent, your innocent," I strained.
      I wrapped my arms around his waist and embraced him with a tight hug. He tensed at first but then wrapped his arms around me.
"Thanks," he said, I had been waiting to get that off of my chest for years. I had always felt so bad for what my aunt had done.
      "You can go now," I said letting out a small laugh, "sorry for shooting you!" I said awkwardly.
      "It's fine, we should do it again sometime," he joked showing his pearly white teeth. "And you can keep the jacket, it looks better on you anyway."
      I watched as he exited my bedroom through the window that led to my roof. A permanent smile was painted on my face. He turned back and waved me, I felt my heart flutter as he did so.
      The jet black hair, the emerald green eyes, the black leather jacket. I think I'm falling for Derek Hale.


      How did you like my second chapter?
I am so excited to be working on this story again  and I hope you are excited to be reading it. Love you!

Word Count: 1319

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