Friends Without Benefits

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I bounced down the stairs in my gray converse, the skirt of my sky blue dress brushing against my knees. I was wearing more than just mascara for the first time in forever, and the bobby pins twisting my hair in a half-updo stabbed the back of my skull.

"My, my," Grams said as I took the last few steps, "don't you look darling."

I shrugged and smiled up at her. "Thanks, Gram." I smiled with a light sigh, looking down at my outfit, clicking my toes together. "Is it too much?"

Her smile slightly eased my anxiety. "No, but your date will be quite impressed."

"Oh, it's not a date," I explained, walking to the breakfast bar where my glass of water still sat.

"Are you sure knows that?"

I took a sip of water and replied, "Yeah, he should. We talked about it extensively."

"You know, the best way to tell a guy it's not a date is to bring your own money."

"It's in my shoe."

She smirked at me and patted my cheek as she passed me en route to the couch. "Good girl."

"Ooh, look at you!" Alexis slid down the stairs. "Got a big date tonight?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she approached me.

I rolled my eyes and retired my empty glass to the sink. "It's not a date."

"It is so a date. Look at you!" She grabbed my hand and spun me in a circle. "I don't think I've seen you dress up like this since your 16th birthday!"

I opened my mouth to refute her compliments, but words came from the other direction before I could speak.

"What's the occasion?" Castle sauntered in with Kate alongside him.

"She's going on a date," Alexis replied for me.

"It's not a date!" I growled.

"You look adorable," Kate contributed.

"Stop saying that! I look normal. Don't I look normal?"

Alexis feigned thought as she walked from the kitchen to the living room. "Yes, normal for a first date."

"It's not a date!" My protests were getting incrementally louder and more frustrated.

Castle prodded, "You haven't dressed up like this since-"

I groaned, cutting him off.

"Leave her alone guys," Kate interjected. "If she says it's not a date then it's not a date."

"Thank you, mom." Relief. Kate was always on my side.

Alexis joined Grams on the couch as Castle claimed a chair and Kate perched on the arm. She leaned forward and rested her head on her hands, bracing her elbows on her knees. "So...what are you guys doing on your date?"

Laughter filled the room, but I found myself getting seriously irritated. "For the seventh time; It. Is. Not. A. Date!"

Stifled giggles continued to bounce off the walls. I huffed and stalked to the stairs. "If you think this is too much then I'll just go change."

"No!" Alexis, Kate and Grams chorused.

"It's pretty," Alexis repeated.

"Don't change," Kate agreed. "He'll like it. It's fun."

I paused on the bottom step with a grunt. Of course he'll like it. He somehow likes everything I do. "But I absolutely cannot let him think this is a date."

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