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I luv this song ! Hope you liked the translate.


A good house, A good car
Will these things bring happiness,
In Seoul to the sky,
Will parents really be happy.

Dreams disappeared,
There was no time to rest,
It's a cycle of school, home or an internet cafe,
Everyone lives the same life,
Students who are pressured to be number one live in between dreams and reality.

Who is the one who made us into studying machines,
They classify us to either being number one or dropping out,
They trap us in borders, the adults,
There's no choice but to consent,
Even if we think simply, it's the survival of the fittest,
Who do you think is the one who makes us step on even our close friends to climb up? What ?

Adults tell me that hardships are only momentary,
To endure a little more, to do it later,
Everybody say NO! It can't be any later,
Don't be trapped in someone else's dream,
We roll,we roll,we roll,we roll,we roll,
Everybody say NO! It has to be now or never,
We still haven't done anything,
We roll,we roll,we roll,we roll,we roll Everybody say NO!

I want to play and eat,
I want to tear my uniform,
Make money, good money,
But they already view me crookedly,
My obscure bank account,
My unhappiness is past its limit,
A factory of sighs while studying, a continuous cycle.

The grown-up confess that we have it so easy,
They say that we are happier than our portion,
Then how do you explain my unhappiness?
There's no conversation topics beside studying,
Outside there are so many kids like me,
Living the life of a puppet,
Who will take responsibility?

A/N : I don't write the same meaning lyrics, that's why it's short.


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