Chapter 33...Swan Song.

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Well Uncle Sammy is going to say yes to Lucifer. Dad, Cas, Bobby, and I helped Sam get the demon blood. Cas and I rode in my car. Dad and Sammy in dads and Bobby in his own. We went to an ally way in front of an old apartment with demons watching it. We all got out and Sam came to us one by one talking. I went and stood by Dad I'm sure he would want to talk to us together. Bobby was the first one he talked to. Than Cas I heard their convosation."Take care of these guys, okay?" "That's not possible." I smirked at cas's saying. "Then humor me." "oh, I was supposed to lie," and cas laughs."uh...sure They'll be fine, I..." Sam stopped him "Just-just stop...talking." He gave him a hug. And we were last to get a talk. I had tears in my eyes. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear. "Take care of Dean. Don't let him do anything crazy please." I was crying into his chest by know and I just nodded. He let go of me and I went over to Cas and hugged him. Sam talked to dad and drank the blood. They walked into that apartment Sam and dad. I sat in my car and waited. Dad came out by himself I got out of my car and ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "He didn't make it into the cage did he?" I knew he didn't Lucifer was just to strong. We walked up to Tv's and it had started we figured out the battle was going to me in Stull Cemetery outside of Lawrence.  Dad and I were heading out. Dad in his car I was going to pull up a little after he did. Bobby and Cas tried to stop us but we did listen. I could hear dad playing Rock of Ages. I pulled up and got out and stood behind dad. next thing I hear is Cas. "Hey Assbutt." and threw a holy fire cocktail at Michael. "Assbutt?" "He'll be back and upset...but you have your five minutes." Lucifer starts talking. "Castiel did you just Molotov my brother with holy fire?" "" "No one dicks with Michael but me. "He snapped his fingers and Cas explodes into blood and meat. "NNNOOO." I just fall to my knees and next thing I know its black.


 He snapped Ally's neck an Bobby's. "Noo!" Lucifer throws me onto the car. "I'm not leaving you." After a few punches and he stops for a few and Sam's in control. "I got him Dean." Michael shows up and they both go into the cage. I'm sitting there and Cas walks up. "Cas, you're alive?" "I'm better than that." Next thing Cas heals me. "Cas, are you god?" "That's a nice compliment but no. Although, I do believe he brought me back." He walked over to Bobby and I walked over to All and held her in my arms. "New and improved." He healed Bobby and came over to me and Ally and Healed her. We got loaded into our cars Ally following me Cas in my car and bobby heading home. Cas decides to go check out upstairs because it might go into craziness. I pulled up to one of my old girlfriends house. Eireanna. Ally got out and walked up to there door and knocked. "Dean? Every thing okay?" "Not really. I could take that drink now." She let us in happily and we had dinner. Ally tells me later that night she's Pregnant. I'm happy for her. We haven't heard from Cas.


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