Chapter 11

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Sorry in advance for the slight profanity in the chapter :( Lol it won't happen...all that much in this book. Although, it will happen, not in like every other chapter :) Love yall.!!


Band was the hardest thing to go through. I went from being first chair to being fifth. Mr. Scott has absolutely no sympathy. Honestly, who does that just because their having a really bad day.??! It makes no sense.

Miss. Davis, why do you do this to me.?? It just isn't fair, but I guess what the expression "Life isn't fair" means. Dang, I've always made fun of people who say that. Karma is a real bitch. Life lesson kids, don't laugh at people who are already having a hard time. It will come back and bite you in the ass...and it hurts. Bad.

My next class is Math. I've known this teacher for a while now. Her name is Mrs. Callwoway. She's like a mother to me. Evenw if I don't open up, she tried to figure out whats wrong when I'm down. She was a big support when I was coming out. She's a Christian and all. I love this lady so much.

"Hey Mrs. Calloway. Whats up.?" I say trying to act my typical chipper self.

"Nothng much. Are you okay baby" She asks, trying not to sound overly cooncerned, but failing miserably.

"yes ma'am, I'm good. Just thinking is all" I say

"Wanna talk about it.?" She asks knowing the answer.

I look at her and shake my head. I head over to my seat, and take out the material for the class.

The bell rings after another 3 mins of avoiding Mrs. Calloways stares.

"Okay class, today your going to do a review sheet for what we learned yesterday" Mrs. Calloway said walking to the first of the room.

"It should only take about 15 minutes, so you'll have the rest of the class period to do whatever. If you get out o hands I'll give you more unneeded work, and if it's bad enough I won't hesitate to send you to the office." She said while handing out the paper.

I got my paper looked it over and laughed. This stuff was way to easy for an AP class. We might need to rethink how we do AP classes people.

I finish in all of 7 mins. No exaggeration. I now have to sit here and deal with my brain + Allyson. That's one problem I can't figure out.

I mean, I don't mind the risk, but Im not risking much of anything. She's the one that's risking everything. So, that doesn't matter on my part. But, I would think I'm worth the risk....right.??? I mean, she seemed like she was willing to do anything at that bar. But honestly I don't want a one time thing with her. I want a relationship. I want to cuddle with her, hold her, kiss her, hold her hands, be the shoulder she cries on, be the one she comes to, be the one that randomly touches her just so I can feel closer to her, I just want her. I want her to be mine.

She doesn't and wouldn't and couldn't feel that way about me though. That wouldn't happen for the simple fact that she would have the will power I never seems to have.

But if that's the case what about that kiss today.? What about that whole situation.?? I mean, let's be frank here. She's kissed me twice. She ran one. The second time she didnt....I technically did but that doesn't count.

Maybe....she will be willing to try this. Maybe she doesn't have anymore will power than I do. Maybe she will love me like I can see myself loving her. Maybe this will all work out.

Maybes rarely happen though. So many maybe might just end up hurting me or her.

All this thinking.!! I have a headache. I lay down and hope to get some sleep until the bell rings.


I'm frantically pacing around my classroom. I have so much work to do its ridiculous, but I can't do anything t with her on my mind.

Kiss her. I kissed her and for the first time I actually don't regret it. For the first time I'm going to let myself fall. I just pray to god she catches me. I don't know if I can pick up the pieces again....not after the last time. Not afte- NOO you will NOT think about those things. You won't go there. I refuse to let you do this to yourself.

Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily Emily. God, just her name makes me sound better. Her lips tasted like jolly ranchers. I love jolly ranchers. They tasted amazing. I wonder what else taste amazing.....shitty shit shit.!! You shall stop this. And you shall stop it now Miss. Davis. now I'm Miss. David...? What happened to Allyson.??
Miss. Davis seemed to show that I meant business.
Oh shut up.
(Author note: That was a conversation of miss. Davis talking to herself. I think I'll modify it to make it better but yea. Sorry for interrupting.!!)
She's too perfect. I want to know so much about her. I just want to know her. It shouldn't be to hard to get my way.


The class period went by pretty fast. I was awoken by the bell, which I might add, is the scariest crap in the world. Everyone got a good laugh though. The struggle is really real.

I don't know what I should do next. Run or man up and get thin over with. I don't know what's going on through her beautiful head, and frankly that's one of the scariest thing in the world.

I choose the right answer and man up. I slowly walk to her classroom and stop outside the door. I try to get my barring, which doesn't help much at all.

Just as I'm about to get the courage to attempt to open the door, it flies open. There she is. Standing there staring at me with completely and utter shock.

"In all reality I didn't expect you to show up. I was about to find you and drag you here." She says with a slight smirk.

"What do you take me for. A scary cat.? Ahh no. I don't run away unlike some people" I say with a wink. I let myself Into the classroom and hop into a desk.

While I'm sitting here actin like a cocky assured girl I'm scared. I'm so scared its funny. I have to put my hands together to hide the shaking that's going on.

"So, what's up.?" I asked.

"Well if you haven't noticed, we have a small problem." She said suddenly serious.

"Well, I so much wouldn't call it a problem. More like a situation" I say grunt to make thugs easier. I hate touch seriousness. It just doesn't work for me.

"Well then excuse me. We have a situation that we kinda have to deal with" she says.

"Much better. Now, how do you propose we deal with it.?" I ask?

She scratched her neck and starts pacing. She doesn't answer which makes me nervous.

"This is going to be risky. This is going to be more than risky. Do I want to do this.?" She looks up at me. I stare back with a blank face. She doesn't seem like she's talking to me. Almost like she's talking out loud, and by the Looks of it she doesn't realize she's talking out loud.

"She's beautiful, and smart, and kind, and caring. But I could loose my job. But she's perfection. But jail. Jail isn't on the list of things I want to do before I die." She continues to mumble on. I sit there and watch. I find this fascinating. It's almost as though she's having a conversion with herself. Like she's speaking from two different perspectives and she doesn't even notice. She's having an internal battle. Out loud. Amazing.

"SHIT.!" She screams. I jump from the surprise. That's not something I was expecting. She walks over to me eerily calm. As though that outburst never happened.

She stands in front of me. Examining me. Just like I was doing her a few moments ago.

She stands on her toes after a moment of staring. She looks into my eyes. Gosh those eyes are the most beautiful things In the world. She kissed me, slowly and gently. At a torturously slow pace. She abandons my lip all the fast.

"Give me your phone" she says after a long silence.

I hand it to her without a word. I probably couldn't talk even if I wanted to. This girl has me hypnotized. Well, I guess that's what I get for staring at those beautiful eyes.

After she's done typing she hands the phone back to me, she then gathers her stuff and walks away without another word or a glance back.

ME TIME.!!!!!
SORRY FOR TAKING SOOO LONG.!!! I hope it won't happen again. How's it going.? What's up.? How'd you like the story.? Was it worth the wait? I'm going to bedddd. Good night. I love you.!

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