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"Stand up, place your right hand on your heart, repeat with me," the speaker spoke in math class. We did the pledge, then watched the daily announcement. "Today, Sweet Seat is being hosted by the lovely Janice, at lunch time. Bring in your lunch and enjoy the show!"

Winter rolled her eyes, while Lucas sat back in his seat. "Make sure not to burst out our secret," I whispered to Lucas, still keeping eye contact with the teacher. "I won't," he whispered back, grabbing his notebook.

"Students. Today we will be doing our finals test. Good luck, I'll pass out the papers," the math teacher called out, gipping papers into her hands and passing them to specific students.

Once math class was over, Lucas and I headed straight out of Math to Sweet Seat. We stood in front of the doors and looked at each other. "Ready?" Lucas asked, smiling. I nodded, and we both opened the doors. The whole auditorium was empty, but Janice was in the middle sitting in the host chair.

"Welcome, welcome! Lucas dear, sit right here," Janice said, patting the sweet seat with her foot. Lucas slowly walked down the steps to the middle. I sat in a from row seat, closest to Lucas.

Janice was getting ready as if this was the best moment ever, while Lucas sat there biting down queerly on his lip.

Then, the doors swing violently open and crowds came rushing in with their lunches. I saw Winter and Grace, so I waved them down.

"Did it start?" Winter asked, sitting with Grace by me."No, you're in time," I told.

Janice tapped the top of a microphone, and smiled. "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Sweet Seat! Today, as you can see, it's special because we have Lucas!" Janice cheered.

The crowd clapped along. Winter took a bite out of her pizza. "But, it's better! I heard from my girls that Lucas broke up with Faith. That twerp," Janice said, fading into a mumble.

I glared. "Now, let's talk to Lucas. Lucas, how did you guys break up?" Janice asked, sitting on the boring host chair. Lucas held the microphone in his hands, and hesitated. "Well... Isn't that private?" He said queerly in the microphone. "It's Sweet Seat, nothing is private here!"

Lucas looked back at me. "Uh..." Lucas said, looking at all of the crowd. I couldn't help this. My lover is terrified. "Because of you, Janice! Drama! Gossip! Rumors! You're such a brat, Janice!" I yelled, standing up from my chair. The whole room went deadly silent. Winter then stood up. "'Sorry, I think we said your name wrong. Wasn't it Vanish, Janice? You should do what your name is," Winter snorted. I chuckled. Grace stood up, too. "Well... Why is Sweet Seat even a thing? It's just where you gossip about people without their permission in front of the school," Grace yelled.

We all slapped hands. Lucas stood up from the Sweet Seat. "Anyway, we didn't break up," he sternly said. Part of the crowd in the auditorium stood up and chanted, "Janice is a brat!"

All of the crowd then stood up, and chanted. Janice snatched the microphone from Lucas, and yelled in it, "Shut up!"

The whole room was quiet again. "You said you two broke up.." Janice said, glaring at Lucas. "I kissed you for nothing, then," she whispered into the microphone. I immediately stood up, and ran at Janice.

"Since when did you kiss him?!" I yelled in her face. "This morning in the hall."

I couldn't help myself. I threw my fist into her jaw. She dropped the microphone. All of a sudden, a tear fell from her watery eyes. She smiled, and walked out of the auditorium.

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