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"I'm going to get you to kiss me one day, Tomlinson."

"Don't hold your breath."


       Louis was your typical picture of a highschool jock; he had tons of friends, a busy schedule, and was known by everyone in the school. Although Louis got along well with everyone, his best friend was a lad named Niall, who was also quite known for his love of sports.

       The two boys were on a football team together, beating many school records and earning themselves some pretty decent scholarships. Niall and Louis were inseparable, and everyone loved to be in their company. A possible factor in their likeability was their looks – they had tons of people falling at their feet and stumbling over their words when in their presence.

       "Great game today, mate," Niall threw an arm around Louis' neck, squeezing his shoulders in a sad attempt of a hug. "Only one more left before homecoming. Are you going this year?"

       Louis shrugged. "Nah, dances aren't really my thing."

       "They aren't mine, either. But I'm going to support the team and chat with some friends," Niall went on, a sigh escaping his lips. "You should come. It might do you some good."

       "I'll think about it,"Louis promised, though he most likely wouldn't give it a second thought; he just really wanted this conversation to be over.

       "Are you going to ask anyone? I'm sure there are tons of guys who'd go with ya," Niall smirked, elbowing Louis in the arm.

       Louis came out as gay during his freshman year of highschool, but to his surprise, nobody treated him any differently. Niall claims it's because everyone already knew, but Louis would like to think that the students at school are becoming more accepting people. Now, he's a senior, and as kids a few years younger than him enter the school, he notices more and more of them making Louis the center of their conversations. Louis doesn't care what people think of him. If they like him, great, if not, that's cool, too.

        "I don't know if I'm going to ask anyone. I don't even know if I'm going," Louis replied a few moments later.

       Niall gave him a small smile before heading off to his first class, leaving Louis alone. Louis had been running surprisingly late this morning – he has two minutes left to get to his government class and he's walking slow as ever, head down, staring at his phone. He snapped out of his small trance when his head collided with someone's chest, almost causing him to lose his balance.

       "Sorry," Louis muttered, looking up to an unfamiliar face. Louis knows everyone in this school, how has he never seen this boy before?

       "It's fine," the boy mumbled, biting down on his lower lip. Louis studied the boy's face for a moment, hoping to get an idea of who he was. Louis knows he would've remembered seeing captivating green eyes like his before, so he had to have been a stranger.

       "How come I've never seen you around? Are you new?"

       The boy shook his head. "No, I've been here as long as I can remember. My name's Harry; Harry Styles. Does that sound familiar to you?"

       Louis shook his head, "no, it doesn't. That's weird; I usually know everyone." Louis stopped talking to look down at the time on his phone – he was already late for class, so he didn't really have anything to lose by staying here. "Well it's nice to meet you, Harry, I'm L – "

       "Louis,"Harry finished for him. "I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are. You're the talk of my grade, you know. I'm a junior, and you probably know how much we gossip."

       "Oh,"was all Louis could say.

       "I know about you," Harry continued on, adjusting his backpack strap. "You're captain of the football team, best mates with Niall Horan, out to everyone at school?"

       "Yeah,"Louis chewed his lip, unsure of what else to say once Harry casually involved his sexuality.

       "You're very brave, you know, for coming out," Harry went on. "I'm sure you've dealt with loads of assholes here, gotten shit for you who are. I know about some of the fellas on your footie team, and some of them can be real pricks. I admire your courage, Louis."

       Louis smiled at him, "thankyou, Harry. That means a lot."

       "You're welcome," Harry licked his lips. "Well, I should probably head to class. You should, too. I don't think either of us should have to sit through detention. Anyways, Lou, I'll see you around. Maybe I can take you out sometime."

       With that, Harry walked off and left Louis standing there speechless. Did this new guy just hit on him? Louis rolled his eyes to himself, cursing out loud when he'd realized that he'd missed ten minutes of first period.

hi guys! i'm sorry that this is so short and that i've been inactive for the longest time. i just didn't have much writing inspiration, but i'm going to try and get back into writing again. if this wasn't as shitty as i feel like it is, please vote and comment if you want me to continue! thanku :) also, the first two sentences in italics at the beginning of this chapter are some lines of dialogue that will be coming soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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