Kyler Thompson

18 1 2

Mountain Brook High School, Widow Creek, MA

Friday, October Eleventh, 2015

10:46 am

The bell had just rung for the second to last period for lunch. It had been a pretty warm... seventy degrees all week. The second Aris heard the familiar sound ending fourth period, he jumped up and he quickly exited the room to greet his partner in crime, Kyler, who was smiling like normal.

"Man, I really don't want to go to trigonometry," Kyler scoffed as he made eye contact with his best friend before shrugging. "Maybe we should just take an early weekend, Ari?" he suggested.

"We will, since my anxiety meds aren't working today, let's just take a walk," Aris shrugged and Kyler grinned, taking his hand and leading him to his secret ditching exit. Aris did not oppose to any of it, he let the voices simply yell at him. Soon, the two of them were walking down the quiet and abandoned dirt path.

"Kyler," Aris whined a bit, letting his hand go when they were in the clear, his hazel eyes scanning the scenery. "Where are we going?" He asked.

"I know you're not feeling well, so, I decided we should head out of this side of the town, do a little more exploring. Gotta get your mind to focus on me, and only me. How's Mary?" Kyler asked.

"My mom? She's distant, working a lot, you know," he explained, kicking dirt silently as he walked down the dirt pathway with the only person in the world that mattered to him. "What about Taylor? Or the Andersons?"

"I get it. Oh, and Taylor finally texted me for a few hours last night, should I go for it?" He told him with a gentle smile curling onto his lips very quickly. "And, it's the third family I've been with but I don't think they are going to send me back to the foster home this time. I can't go back," he explained.

Aris smiled at the other male, who was a lot muscular than he was and looked extremely intimidating to most. Kyler had tattoos lining his neck, chest, and hands; standing at five foot seven inches at seventeen years old with sharp loving green eyes. Kyler Thompson, KT or Katie according to his best friend, was a foster kid and his past two adoptive families had returned him, the Andersons were his new family and he was hoping they'd actually keep him. He was the sarcastic, tough one with the behavioral problems but he had many secrets that he only would ever tell his best friend; he had other friends but had one main one. He didn't stand up very straight and his left eye would twitch when he was nervous, but only Aris knew these kind of things.

Aris was a very thin and a lot less intimidating sixteen year old with no tattoos and hazel blue eyes. Aris Zork, Ari or DorkZork according to his best friend, lived with his mother and never met his real father and was never aloud to talk about him in his house. He had separation or abandonment anxiety, ADHD, and a really small case of schizophrenia; his mental stability being shortened to 'he's not all there.' KT was his only friend, even though he was almost the complete opposite of him. His mother worked a lot and was never home, so when she was there, she was not there. His eyes changed colors depending on his mood for some reason, like a birth defect. Both were juniors in high school with basic classes and simple average grades.

"Totally go for it. Taylor totally likes you," Aris said hopefully and Kyler was listening but he shot Taylor a text, just being blunt and asking to go out this Saturday, as more than friends. "The Andersons are nice, they let me sleep over at your house when my mom locks me out. They aren't gonna take you back, trust me," he grinned. "'Hopefulness doesn't do much good when you have felt pain that hope can't fix,'" Aris mimicked his friend with a smirk and an eye roll, knowing what his response was going to be.

"Hey, DorkZork! Don't judge me," Kyler boasted and playfully shoved him as they were coming close to some train tracks. "It's just honesty, my friend!" He hollered in a sing song voice.

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