Chapter14//He likes me!

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Kasey's POV
Then he.....
(End of recap)
Then he crashed his lip on mine. I kissed him back. We pulled away.
ZACH- I like you Kasey!
ZACH- I know its a lot to take in but I like you!
I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. I pulled away and Noah was standing there. Hurt flashed through his eyes. A tear slid down my face when Noah had a tear rolling down his face.
KASEY- Noah I'm s-sorry
NOAH- I'll see you at the hotel Kasey
He paused and looked at me I ran over to him and hugged him as hard as I could.
NOAH- Kasey just know I like you too
Then he walked away. I just ran away.
*****10 mins later*****
I look around. This looks so familiar. OMG THIS IS WHERE I RAN AWAY TO! I climbed a tree and started to cry.
- I thought I would find you here.
KASEY- Leave me alone
ZACH- Can't because I care about you
KASEY- Zach if you cared you would leave
ZACH- Kasey please
I jump down and walk past him. I start walking back to the hotel when someone grabs my waist and crashes there lips on mine. I try to pull away but there grip gets tighter. When they let go I look to see Hayes.
KASEY- Danm it Hayes I told you to leave me alone!
HAYES- Who was that guy back at the park?
I just walked passed him and ran to the room. When I got there I heard more than 2 voices. Its just music! I thought. I walk in the room and Noah and Lyla making out. Noah pulled away and looked at me. I fell to the ground and cried. Lyla and me have been friends since last year. Lyla walked over to me and picked me up. I hugged her and she hugged me.
LYLA- Kasey I'm so sorry I didn't know he was your boyfriend you see me and Zach broke up yesterday and I was crying and so was he so I kissed him
KASEY- It is fine and he's not my boyfriend
Then Hayes and Zach ran in the room.
I just ran into the bathroom and changed into pajamas. I just walked in the room and climded in my bed and let the darkness take over. Before I fell into a deep sleep I felt a person get in my bed and wrap there arms around me.

Hey so this chapter is nice and short. But it had so much drama. (Just the way I like it) Vote comment please! Love ya Z.G

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