Chapter. 6

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Alex's P.O.V

It was finally Thanksgiving break. I had just gotten out of school about an hour ago, and I was packing to go to my Aunt Maria's since you-know-who doesn't give a shit about me or holidays. It was a thing that's happened ever since my mom passed away, which was five years ago.

It originally was that we just went over to her house for a few hours, all of us together, even though John, my horrible stepfather, hated it. My aunt and other relatives didn't exactly like him either but toughed it out for my mom. She was always convinced that she loved him, which she may have. But ever since she had passed, he had been even more horrible than he had to begin with.

So therefore, I just stay at my aunt's house for Thanksgiving with her, my uncle Josh, and my cousin Lucas, who was a year younger than me. I was over there a lot more than for Thanksgiving though. I went over there anytime I could. I was there mostly during holiday breaks and summer break.

I had finished packing, and had headed downstairs. John, the bastard I unfortunately have to call my stepfather, is thankfully still at work so I wouldn't have to deal with any questions or orders from him. If I was out before he got home, he wouldn't give a shit. Wouldn't even call to tell me to come home or anything. That's how much he really cares.

I made sure I had everything for a week before walking about of the house, carrying my duffel bag full of clothes and a few other things. I head out the door excited to spend this break with my aunt once again. She never fails to make me happy, so I'm really looking forward to it.


I arrived at my aunt's house, and like always my aunt greets me with open arms. She let me go up to the room that I always stay in, and set my stuff down. Once that was done, I head back down to the main room, seeing my cousin Lucas sitting on the living room couch playing a video game. I knew he was playing it because he was doing the usual 'yelling at the screen' thing that most guys usually do. I admit though, that I do it to.

I go sit down on a cushion that isn't occupied and see that he's playing one of my favorite games, Assassin's Creed 2.

"Ah, this is a good one. You have learned well my cousin," I say with a slight nod of approval.

"Oh why thank you," He says with a slight laugh.

I saw that he was struggling on a part. Apparently, he's never played this before. I'm not sure how he hasn't because it's been out for years now. He starts to get frustrated with it so I try to help out.

"Can I try it?"

"Sure," He replies without hesitation, and handing me the controller.

I restarted from the part he last got killed, and easily beat the memory within no time. He stares at me with his mouth opened wide in amazement.

"But-wha- How did you beat it so easily?"

"I've only played this game like 5 times," I say smugly.

"I have underestimated you,"

"Never, underestimate me, little cousin," I say emphasizing 'little cousin' because I know he hates it when I call him that.

"Why do you call me that? I'm only 4 months younger than you!" He exclaims.

"Well, you're still seventeen, whereas I am eighteen and you were born after me. So, I call you little cousin,"

He grumbled some incoherent words before taking the controller back from me, and continuing the game without saying anything else to me. I laugh at him for being like this, because I know he can't stay mad at me forever. He never ignores me for more than an hour. I'm not sure if it's because his all time favorite cousin, not to be cocky, or if he just hates being mean.

I get up from my spot on the couch and go to where Aunt Maria usually is, the kitchen. She's one of those women that absolutely love to bake. I would be lying if I said her cooking was horrible, because she can make some of the best food.

I get closer to the kitchen, and I can smell something sweet and delicious filling my nostrils. I freeze, breathing in the wonderful scent that I've missed dearly, for only a few seconds before walking again towards my aunt. Once I figured out what she was baking, I got really excited. It turns out that she was baking her wonderful chocolate chip cookies.

She knew that I loved them, and I could eat the absolute shit out of them. I've had a lot of cookies in my lifetime and I had to admit, her's were the best. My mom was a really good cook, but she couldn't beat Maria. 

"You know just how to lure me in, my dear aunt," I say snatching one of the cookies from a sheet that she had them on to cool off. 

She doesn't stop me from taking one which surprises me a bit, because she really doesn't like it when we eat before having dinner. Speaking of dinner, she was fixing that up to, so when my uncle came back from work he would have it ready.

I head back to the living room, with my cookie in my hand, and see that Luke is still playing the game. He wasn't yelling at the screen this time, but you could tell that he was getting very flustered. I laughed louder than expected, because it was quite funny watching him.

"What are you laughing at?" He asks, sounding a bit angry.

"Nothing," I reply calmly.

I practically cut him off by running up to the guest room. I open the door, run to the bed, and flop down on it. I was tired, but I still had to eat dinner. I was pretty hungry though. I grab my phone to go through whatever just to pass the time until Josh came home.

"Alex, time for dinner!" Maria calls up to me, causing me to stop scrolling through Instagram.

I rush downstairs without even replying to her call. I scurry quickly into the dining room seeing that the table is already set and some of the food is already on the table. She must have made Luke set the table. I sit down in the spot that I usually sit in when I stay here and get comfortable. I nicely waited for everyone to sit down before getting my food.

Once everyone was seated I start putting a little bit of everything on my plate. We start to eat but my Aunt speaks up:

"Oh I forgot to tell you all! We will be having an extra guest for Thanksgiving. He's someone very special, and he came into the music store yesterday, and made a very generous donation. So, I thought for that, we should invite him," she says sounding very excited.

"I wonder who it could be?"  I thought.


A/N: Sorry for all of the sorta filler chapters, I promise it will get better as it goes along. Also, id you like the game that I mentioned I love you bc that's one of the best games ever. I really hope you all are enjoying it so far :)


Mr. Stump // Patrick StumpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora