The day...

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This evening, I was so anxious for my Prom! I had my beautiful turquoise dress on and Dylan was in the car with me. We had called a taxi 'cause my mother who is a single mom couldn't drive me and my boyfriend.

I was so happy. It was almost the best day of my life. Nothing could bring me down! Not even the pest Vanessa! All of a sudden... the worst thing happened... Our driver fell asleep. We tried to wake him up before it happened, but... CRASH! The last thing I remember are the loud sirens coming from the ambulance and Dylan's lips on mine. Seventeen... Seventeen is too young to die. But life isn't fair sometimes, so I "live" with it. 

If you don't think angels are real, you're wrong. I know for a fact that they are. I know because I am one. I woke up in an all white room. I was wearing white. I was wearing the exact same dress I was wearing to my Prom but white. I was confused. I tried pinching myself. It did not work. I did not wake up. 

All of a sudden... Someone opened the white door. It was a young girl. She looked about nine years old. "Hello, Summer." she said. I was shocked. I looked at her feet. She was floating. "Are you... floating?" I asked, surprised. "Of course I am. I'm an angel."replied the girl. "Where am I???" "You are in heaven." "Heaven? Impossible!" "Possible! Anyways, that dress is soo cute!" "Thanks?" "Try to get some sleep. My mom will probably have a quest for you by tomorrow. Goodnight."

A quest? What quest? Who was her mom? What was happening? Why was no one explaining anything to me?



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