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I walk and saw my secretary "good mornig boss"she wears a dress so fucking short. I went to ger ear and said "can you wear something inappropriate, what do you think you are on a strip club? Dont be such slut no men will love you" whit that i left her speechless. I smirk to my self what a good boss I am, feel so proud.

I sat on my desk until there was a knock on the door "come in" I saw alexandra we both groan "what is it now!?" she looks at me and says " dont be a grumpy old man" she snorts "wait! Thats what you are! A lame guy that only has sex whit his pillow" I laugh "atleast is not a women"

"Love the speech that you gave to the secretary" she laugh "you heard it?" she nods "yep I was on her bluetooth, thats the ear that you were giving her the speech." we both laugh "its true she dress like a slut" I nod in agreement "I still hate you" "aww stop being cute I hate you more"

Alexandra and I hated each other, we both don't know why. But we still hate each other

"Every worker need to leave the building theres a fire on the roof! Use the emergency stair" I heard on the thing we have I dont even know the but I dont care.

I take my aid kit and grab alexandras hand "lets hurry up

We made a mistake

The mistake was we both were inside a elevator.


This is my firts suga story I hope you enjoy it. Check my other story

'Stay gold' its a about a girl that has cancer and she stays whit jungkook. Jungkook is the only thing she has, he is the one that helps her on everything.

Thank you

Love ya

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