You Do?

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Harry's P.O.V

I walked in the living room of the flat that Louis and I shared and saw the love of my life sleeping in a little ball. He must be cold I thought to myself. I walked over and grab a blanket and cover him up with it. 'Harry is that you?' Louis asked with his beautiful morning voice. 'Yeah Lou, you looked cold so I cover you up.' I said. 'Thanks.' Louis said. I was just about to walk away when I heard louis say 'Harry.' 'Can you lay with me?' I froze. Was he serious did he really want me to lay with him?

'Please.' Louis said bringing me out of my thoughts. 'Umm.... Sure.' I said. I mean I couldn't say no. He was practically begging me to lay with him. I laid down next to him and I was almost falling off in till he brought me closer and cuddle his head on my chest. He squeeze me closer to him not that I mind but I couldn't believe it. He put his head on my chest and hug my stomach. I love it so much it was so peaceful. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard louis say 'I love you so much forever and always even if you never find out.'

'I love you too.' I said without thinking at all. When if he met it has I love you like a brother. Not anymore than that. Shit I screwed up why did I have to say that. Now he is going to look at me different. Now he won't wanna be friends with me anymore. Now he knows I'm gay. Wait... Why would he say it like that if he didn't mean it in that way. Why wouldn't he just say it like he would regularly do. He would always say to impress the fans. Did he actually love me? I knew he must of thought that I was a sleep because he sat up and said

'You do?' Louis looked at me with a unreadable face. Oh shit what did i get myself into?

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