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Its been 3 weeks since Nell's dad graced Sanctuary with his unwanted presence...and Bullitt was now completely healed, and back in the saddle again...his first batch of orders was to escort his wife to her dad's prison cell, while she took care of him...Blade hated the fact that he put his knife at my throat, and it was still eating at him, plus the fact was he really wanted Gerard dead...he didn't want that kind of danger to his family, hovering over his head, still as a potential threat.

I seen he was in deep thought, and jumped on his lap and kissed him...he snapped back into reality, and gave me a big squeeze, and returned my kiss with a deeper one...then he asked me what I was up too...I simply told him nothing, that I just left the bitches quarters, and decided to hunt for my hubby...he gave me a grin, and said; well babe, you found me...I smiled back and said yes I did...he stood up with me in his arms, and carried me to the creek just outside Sanctuary, for he felt like going for a swim with me...he slowly took my clothes off, the removed his...I walked in the clear, cool water first...then right behind me I heard a loud splash...I turned around, but didn't see him..he swam under me and came up behind me very silently...and gently put my arms around me...I jumped slightly then turned to face him...he kissed me very sweetly then rubbed me up and down my body, I ran my fingers through his long black silky hair, then as I reached up to kiss him, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We began kissing very deeply, I softly brushed my hands down his taught muscular body, with water droplets running down his body, I was entranced at his gothic exotic beauty...I sexily traced my hands around his sexy ass, and gave a playful squeeze, he just gave me a slight smile, then set me onto him, and pushed strongly, but gently in me...we made sweet love to each other, once we finished, we laid half in the water, and half on the bank under a tree. I asked him to please stop feeling bad, and guilty for what he did...that I forgave him right after he did it...he just looked away, and said he almost killed me...I looked at him, and told him, that he didn't. I just dropped the subject and snuggled up in his arms, laying on his chest...and we both took a nap.

A few hours later Nell was walking around the camp looking for Blade to ask him something about her dad...but she seen the side door out of the camp was open, she knew where we were...and what we were probably she decided to walk out and just have a peek, then when she seen we were both asleep, she told herself, it could wait til later...for she already knew the answer was going to be hell no...cuz she asked Blade everyday for the last 2 weeks, to let her dad go free...and everytime his answer was...the only way daddy in-two...physically in-two.

Ripper, Shockster, and Slash were out running errands, and stealing more medical supplies for Ripper was running low...and all the newbies were finally settling in with their new surroundings, gang members, and following their new leader....Blade. Bullitt however lost all trust and faith in any of the members of the late hammerheads boys...and often asked Blade to exhile them all...but Blade said he wasn't turning anyone out unless they gave him a reason to...for we were safer in numbers.

I woke up by a butterfly lighting on my nose. Blade woke up when I moved a little...he opened his eyes, and just stared deeply into mine...then I told him we should get back inside, for our family would probably begin to wonder where we were at...he smiled, kissed me, and said let em wonder...but then got up a few minutes later, and said ok...lets get back....justa as we were heading towards the side door, when we both seen a silver ford truck racing towards Sanctuary...Blade looked and noticed they were teen rich punks trying to make a name for themselves....Blade ordered me inside then walked to the truck....Mickey, Stoney, Two-Bit, and Dally, followed after him from the main entrance. The rich punk driver revved up his motor as they approached the truck...then pulled it in drive, and raced towards Blade...but he stood his ground....and pulled out his knife, and just before it got too close to him, he flipped his switchblade at the front left tire....and made a direct hit...the truck flipped upside down, and landed just 2 ft. away from where Blade was standing....the punks weren't hurt though for they were all really drunk...they crawled out, and ran over to fight with the gang...Blade just stepped aside to let his brother's have there fun...until one of the Soc's pulled out a heater, and tried firing a shot...Blade pulled out his straight razor, and gave it a sideswiping toss, and sliced the guys neck open with it...the other Soc's seen he was meaning business, and they got tired of being beat up, so they ran like a bunch of whipped dogs...with their tails tucked in between their legs...Two-Bit picked up his leader's knife, and straight razor, and handed them to him...Blade patted his back and told all of them good scrap, but it was time to get inside, and get ready to turn in for the night...he joined me in our bed, and snuggled with me for the rest of the night..

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