The Shell

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The thoughts that linger in my head,

Dark shadows that dance at my sorrow,

The harsh raspy whisper of the demon at the foot of my bed

And worse of all,

The frustration and insecurities that lurk in the deep ocean,

The ocean called my head.

I lay in my bed when the moon rises,

Curled up like an animal who was asleep.

But my eyes are wide open.

A shadow crept around me as drops of water fell on to the pillow.

Sharp claws rake my balled up body,

Like a knife deciding how to butcher its dead prey.

It pounced, 

Clawing my chest open like opening a chest of gold,

Cracking my head open like breaking the hard proactive shell of a nut.

Long tongue and gleaming teeth stained with poppy red,

The thief had stolen everything.

Every bit that made my body alive.

Every bit that made me feel safe.

It left me to be an empty shell.

Glazed eyes.



But the shadow knows.

Knows that the next day,

I'll be better.

Claim what is rightfully mine and stitch everything back together.

To be full,

To be okay.

But the thought,

The thought of lies,

Thought of being hurt.

But above them all,

Was a question.

'Should I trust anyone anymore?'

But there was always a voice,

A squeaky, disgusting voice.

The voice of myself with small fat fingers

And the stupid, oblivious smile plates on the kid's face.

She always told me,

"We can be something big one day!"

I could only scoff at such an idea,

But in reality,

I just wanted it to stop.

The torn parts and worn thread,

The mental screams that rung in my head,

And the clawed thief that stole form me.

I just want to be a child again,

Because I want the torture to STOP

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