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Jocelyn- a person I used to stare at in 6th grade. Now I'm friends with her and really look up to her. She is one of my best friends. I would do anything for her.
Annie- a person that makes wattpad stories. And I absolutely love them. She sometimes writes in my hands or arms.
Jessie- and old bully from elementary school and 6th grade. I'm now really good friends with her. She's changed. She's so nice and I can trust her now. She also has a wattpad account that she makes sad stories on.
Joe- she obsesses over this fictional character from this show I'm not allowed to watch. Her and Jocelyn obsess over it all the time. It makes me feel kind of sad. Like she's given up one of my favourite shows WE used to obsess over... Like she's replaced me. But I'm glad she has a new friend. Joe is kind of funny too. She's my friend... Kind of.

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