Not A Third Time

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Present Day

Operator: Ren "Rabbit" Raziel

Mission: Elimination and Fire Support

Time: Redacted

Location: Classified

Partner: Staff Sargent Raji "Vyper" Solan

Raji and I were sitting on the top floor of an old hotel, our hide overlooking the area that was sure to turn into a mess of death quite shortly, perfectly. Raji was rigging some traps in the hallway and on lower floors on the chance that KA mercs would come up after having learned our location. I was sitting out of sight, against the back wall, putting a bull pup conversion kit that another sniper from fireblood had given me onto my Dragonov. It would take my rifle from a convential Front Magazine Rear Trigger to a bullpup Front Trigger Rear magazine that I'd learned on the way here Fireblood snipers called the "Clapper". The kit wasn't that hard to install and once it was on my rifle seemed a lot lighter and was a lot more compact, but the magazine seemed a little close to the grip. It came out easily enough, but still.

"I got the traps rigged", Raji said crawling on his stomach to avoid being seen, "anyone who comes up here is gonna get a face full of nuts and bolts or maybe even doused in flaming gasoline."

"Good job", I sighed chambering around in my rifle.

Raji tilted his head, "you okay Ren? Your acting kind of weird."

"Weird how?", I asked dropping my rifle's bi pod.

"Well for one", Raji said, "your normal tan has become dirty brown. I get that it happens when your stressed out, but I've never seen it that bad before."

I sighed and didn't answer.

"Ren", Raji said, "talk to me, please."

I looked at him, "I don't wanna fight the Drakehounds again, I really, really don't wanna fight these people anymore."

Raji looked slightly angry, "why? What could possibly make you not want to kill every last one of these fuckwits?"

I set my rifle down, took off my vest and pulled my shirt up, showing Raji the scars from my first encounter.

"This is what happens when the hounds take you by surprise, Raji", I said sternly, "I was gutted after my parents were killed in front of me and the only reason I survived was because Vortex and her team just happened to find the train car we were camping at, Raji. The second time they catch you off guard, it almost cost you your life, AGAIN and drains millions of dollars from PF, AGAIN, Raji. If the Drakehounds take me by surprise a third time, their going to kill me, there's no question. If I have to go under another knife and have one more thing replaced, they are going to put me to sleep, Raji, no matter how bad a fit Vortex or any of the SW's throw."

There was a slight pause.

"There's just no way they could save me if I got torn up again", I sighed putting my vest on, "Vortex seems to somewhat care about me, but her complaining non stop for the rest of existence wouldn't hold up against what it costs to keep me around. Chances are good they've already spent more money fixing me when I brake myself into tiny pieces than they have on the entire SW team. If I get another injury like the last two, I'm done, they'll just shoot me full of whatever it is they put animals down with and be done with it. The fact that I happen to be a decent shot isn't going to save me. Sorra would end up raising our kids by herself. That's what scares me more than anything."

The room fell into complete silence for almost five minutes before Raji spoke up.

"Well", Raji said, "it's like this. If they decide for some stupid ass reason that your no longer worth keeping around, I could cause quite a bit of damage before they finally killed me."

I sighed, "now your just talking crap."

"No I'm not", Raji said, "your like my little brother Ren, they kill you, I'll find a way to screw the entire project over."

"That might just be the most retarded thing I've ever heard you say", I sighed, "and I've heard you say some really stupid things."

"Your the retarded one if you think I'll just roll over and let them kill you, Ren", Raji said seriously, "they will have to lock me up in the strongest kennel on Earth to keep me form killing the bastard who gave you the injection. This is assuming of course that Vortex doesn't flip her shit first and leave me with nothing to kill."

I shook my head.

"Ren", Raji said, "I beat down Dars and his entire team, by myself, without any protection. Dars has three black belts and I kicked his ass. You think for a second that Vortex could take me by herself, I'm willing to put money on the idea that when we go back to base, it takes Sterling, Val, Vortex AND Talon before I can't fight back anymore. If you think I'm going to let them kill you, your fooling yourself."

I sighed, "Every bit as stubborn as when you were human."

"Pets, much like Partners and Friends", Raji began, "are loyal to death. I'll be punished in the fire of hell if I don't defend those most important to me. My Dad used to tell me that no matter what happens, as long as I haven't committed a crime, I can always come home. Family comes first Ren, I'll always stick with you, no matter what you decide to do."

"Thanks Raji", I said, "means a lot to know you'll always have my back."

Raji smiled, "now in the name of Allah, let us return to our Jihad against the Kortai Ator."

Almost on cue, Vortex chirped over the radio, "Ren, are you and Raji in position?"

"Yes", I said, "were in position, I can see you through my scope."

"Okay", Vortex said, "were going in."

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