Sturn man

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The train slowly came to a stop as Gray awoke. He groaned rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Are we here?" He asked in a sleep tone. Natsu then turned to look out the window before answering Gray's question.
"Nope. We're in the mettle of but fuck nowhere." {no pun intended. ;P}
They then herd a man from down the hall yell. "Fooness check!!!"

Gray eyes widened in fear. He then ducked behind Lyon, gripping the back of his coat tightly. Natsu grind his teeth at the sight. {I know what he'd rather be grinding. ;P}
One Natsu couldn't stand seeing Gray so varnrable.
Two he wanted to be the one to protect Gray.

Then the door slid open and there stud a man. He had brownish, grey hair and stubble. His eye where stern and gave you the feeling, that you had done something tarebly wrong. He made the room feel wet and cold, like when it's foggy out.

His eyes landed on Gray and he walked over to him.
"What are you so afraid of?" He asked in a stern voice. Gray gave a small whimper, and tighted his grip on lyon. The man then gave a low growl before walking out of the room closing the door behind him.

Soon after the train started again.

"Well that wasn't creepy at all." Lyon said sarcastically, Gray only nodded.

Lyon then laid down pulling Gray on top of him. Soon after they had all fallen asleep.

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