Bonus Chapter: A Chance Encounter

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HER EYES were pinned to the derelict ceiling, waiting—no, begging—for it to end. She watched the way the paint peeled off the walls, the termites gnawing through the wood, and the mold which began to form on the distinct patch of wetness seeping through from upstairs.

"Hey!" the man barked at her, but it did not seize her attention. Finally, her cheek smarted as his hand flew across it. "Hey, Lisa!" he shouted again.

Annelise stared blankly at the man who was thrusting in and out of her like some senseless beast. "What?" she asked, feeling her back chafe against his dilapidated pea-green sofa. But above her was not any comfier. The man was dripping with sweat, as if he had been strenuously exerting himself for hours, rather than just ten minutes.

"You're not paying attention," he muttered, frowning. His eyes lit up, as if a thought just occurred to him. Suddenly, Annelise started choking as his hands wrapped around her throat. "This should make things interesting."

"L-let go of me," she coughed out, unable to breathe. Shit. That was going to bruise.

"My bad," he said, unapologetically. His hands merely loosened around her neck, rather than completely letting go. She decided to just let him have his way with her, and after he was finished, he climbed off her limp body and went to his bedroom to sleep. "You can have the couch."

Annelise nodded off immediately. When she opened her eyes again, only a few hours later, it was because something fell on her face. "What's this?" she asked, pulling her singlet on as she sat up.

"Coupons," he told her, chugging down the already-opened beer can he found in his fridge. "For Chuck E. Cheese's."

She stared down at the pieces of paper incredulously. "Are you kidding me? You were supposed to pay me!"

His dark eyes narrowed. "I am paying you. Now, get the fuck out."

Annelise marched out of the room, praying that his front door would fall off its hinges as she slammed it shut. Unfortunately, it stood in place. One she was outside of the apartment, she looked down at the coupons in her hand. Oh, well, she thought. Might as well put them to good use.

It had to be some time in the afternoon. She was not quite sure, since she did not own a watch. Annelise was strolling along the streets, on her way to Chuck E. Cheese's, when she spotted a little girl standing outside of a convenience store.

Annelise spent a good several minutes debating on whether or not to approach her. Eventually, she gave up with a sigh. "Hi," she greeted the child, crouching down so they were face to face. "Are you lost?"

Lila shook her head. "No, ma'am," she politely replied. "I'm just wondering if I should cross the road. I finished school early today, but I'm not supposed to cross the road."

Annelise smiled. She was a surprisingly cute child, with dark ringlets and pretty blue eyes. Whoever her parents were, they must have been attractive. "What's your name?" she asked her. "I'm Annelise."

"Lila," replied the girl. "You're an adult. Can you help me cross the road?"

"Um... I'm not too sure if I should. Why don't you just wait for your family to come pick you up?"

But Lila was stubborn. "He's waiting in the café across the road," she insisted, stomping her small foot on the ground. When Annelise finally agreed to help her, Lila beamed. But before they could, a deep voice called out.

"Lila!" gasped the handsome dark-haired man. "What did I tell you about talking to strangers?"

Annelise's eyes widened. She knew him. She definitely knew him. Although they had never spoken before, they both attended the same schools. She could not forget those bright blue eyes that she had noticed since elementary school. Compared to her, however, he looked well.

Annelise straightened up and smiled at him. "I'm sorry, she came up to me and asked me if I could escort her across the road to the café. Is she your niece?"

"Daughter," he corrected, taking her by surprise. She could certainly see the resemblance, though he seemed rather young to be a father. He probably married that girl he was dating in high school. As his eyes scanned her up and down with distaste, she flinched.

Great. Another man who looks down on me.

"Hi, I'm Annelise," she said, stretching out her hand for him to shake.

"Pierce Dawson," he replied brusquely, refusing her gesture, and instead fixing his daughter's hair.

I knew that.

Annelise scratched her cheek, feeling hesitant. No need to be so rude. "Oh, I know. We used to go to school together," she said, before adding, "Perhaps you don't recognize me. I dropped out." But when the conversation failed to go anywhere, Annelise decided to give up. There was no need to impress such a man.

She turned towards Lila, crouching down once again so that she could speak with her properly. "Well, nice to meet you Lila."

Annelise waved awkwardly at them before walking off. She needed to get out of there. It was suffocating to be frowned upon by someone she knew, even though they were likely never going to speak again.

Oh, she thought glumly as she ambled through the chill-bitten streets. I didn't get to use my coupon.

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