Chapter 1

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I feel so wet.

And very very cold.

My eyes flew open to the sight of my 12 year old brother grinning cheekily at me.

But I still felt wet.

I sat up immediately realising what he did.

Seeing that I was awake the little rascal ran to the door and said "mom told me to wake you up".

He stuck his tongue out at me and ran out of my room slamming the door.

Groaning I fell back back on my bed and immediately started shivering.

I sat up realising the water must have gotten on my bed too.

I stood up removing my wet blanket and bed sheet from the bed.

I looked at the time and saw it was 10:30 am,I sighed and continued making my bed.

Minutes later I went downstairs feeling refreshed,clean and mostly warm.

"Morning mom,squirt"

I said cheerfully forgetting I was supposed to be mad at Alex as I entered the living room.

Alex was watching sponge bob and my mom was on her laptop probably working on the new book she told me she started last week.

Yep she's an author of three published novels. One is a cookbook.

She looked up and said "morning sweetheart,your dad called while you were sleeping,he said to tell you he loves you".

"Dad called??!"I shouted in excitement "and I missed it??!!" I added sullenly pouting.

"Serves you right for always calling me squirt,I'm not short" Alex said and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Don't worry honey,he said he would Skype us later".

My dad is in the military,he's actually the chief General commander or something like that,I'm not really good with military terms.

"Ok mom" I said satisfied and facing Alex asked "when did you get back?"

I sat beside him ruffling his hair because I knew he hated it.

Swatting my hand away he replied "Grandma dropped me at 8 this morning but you wouldn't know because you were still sleeping"

"Hey. Sleeping is life" I said playfully shoving his shoulders.

When our grandmother from dad's side saw the forecast that there was going to be a snowstorm and all school should be closed she came to pick up Alex to spend the day with her.

she lives 30 minutes away at a cottage in Westbrook.

We live in our two story house at Taylor's Groove,Arizona.

It was 3 O'clock and I was on my phone in my room texting my best friend Neil and listening to her bitch about how she won't be able to pick me up on Monday because her little Cadillac is giving her problems.

I don't have a car yet because I'm 17 and the legal age to have a license is 18.

So Neil who got hers 3 months ago picks me up to school in the morning and drops me back home in the evening.

I sighed realising that I'm going to have to ask mom to take me to school on Monday,I was thinking about this when I drifted off to sleep.


Monday morning dawned too fast and too soon,I groaned as I reached my hand out to stop the shrilling alarm.


I groaned again as the alarm fell down from the bedside table but still kept shrilling,frustrated I sat up really slowly and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

Yawning I stood up and grabbed the alarm successfully stopping it.

"Ava!,are you up?" My mom called out.

"Yes mom" I yelled back.

Yawning again,I went to the bathroom to start my morning ritual.

Thirty minutes later I came downstairs in black leggings,a black tank top with a black long cardigan to be completed with my black beanie and black sneakers.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" Mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

"She's being sarcastic,you know" I looked to the left and saw Alex eating pancakes,he learnt what sarcasm meant last week and has been waiting for a chance to say it.

"No shit Sherlock" I retorted.

"Language Ava" my mom said sternly "and what's with the outfit?".

"I'm just in the mood to dress like my soul" I said seriously.

"So your soul is black?" Alex piped.

"No Sweetie,my soul is pink,can't you tell from my outfit?" I said oozing sweetness.

"Ava" mom said warningly.

I pouted.

Can't I have a little fun?. What is the point of having a little brother if I can't tease him?

I picked up my plate and dropped down beside Alex pouring honey on it.

Mom sat down opposite us,and after blessing the food,we all dug in.

"Let's go guys" mom said when we were done eating.

Mom drops Alex to school everyday but since Neil's car is acting up she's going to drop me too.

I can't wait till I turn 18 and get my own car,thankfully it's in three months time,these three months can't pass fast enough.

Mom dropped Alex first cause his school is closer to our house.

"Bye honey!"mom called out to him "I love you!".

"Bye squirt!,I love you more!" I also yelled out the window.

He looked back awkwardly and subtly waves back.

He thinks he's all grown up and finds it embarrassing when mom does that so she keeps doing it and as I was around to watch the show I also decided to join in.

"Next stop on the Blake train,shinwa high!,hoot hoot!!" Mom said

"you've been watching boys before flowers again haven't you?" I deadpanned.

"What?,boys before flowers is a great series" she said defensively.

I sighed and didn't say anything,sometimes she acts like she's the teenager I thought shaking my head.

Mom skidded to a stop in front of Taylor high and said
"we are here babe",she kissed my forehead before I could get out and said "be careful,I love you"

"I love you too mom",I got out of the car and waved goodbye to mom,taking a deep breath I turned to face my doom.

Slowly I started taking determined steps to go inside the school.

Hey guys thanks for sticking around to read chapter 2.
What do you think of the book so far?,I would really love to see your feedback in the comments.
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