Chapter one.

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After being in high school for a hole year can get very excited when it turns summer. A young girl name Stacy a teenager that is only 16. Well she ran to the bus after the last day of high school  she was talking to her friends. I'll tell you Stacy best friends. One was Lucy. She was a party women. She loved to party and some times skip school. Another friend was Korea. She was very strong. She loved to go to athletic games. But she always make sure that her grades were ok to pass the school year. But last and not least Tracy. She was very smart. She would make it to all the UIL practice and she all ways made it to the States UIL. She always made A,s on her report card. Now back to the story! Lucy said hey girls! Korea said hey. Tracy said hey while crying. Why are you crying? Said Stacy. It the last day of school! Tracy said while weeping. You should be excited! Said Korea. Lucy said hey I have an idea girl! They all said what is it? Scene today the last day of high school till next year we should have a party! Said Lucy. Stacy said but where at? There a party at Greg house at 7:00 p.m. Said Lucy. Lucy said we could all go there y'all talk to y'all parents and I'll pick you up if your parents let you. Or you could just sneak out. Stacy said I'll ask my parents. Yeah me too. Both said Korea and Tracy. Ok there's my stop! Said Stacy. Bye! Stacy said. Bye! They all said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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