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"You'll like him, Dad," Lily laughed. "He's funny like you. And he sings too."

Link chuckled. "Are you blushing, Lil? It's hard to tell on a phone but I think you're blushing."

Lily just laughed, her color darkening further. "Who's picking us up tomorrow?"

"Mom and Lando. I've got some errands to run during that time, but I'll see you when you get home, okay?"

"Okay, Dad. I miss you. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Love you, baby. See you tomorrow."

The image of his daughter disappeared and Link set his phone down. It had been only three-and-a-half months since he'd seen her, but it was the longest they'd ever gone. The first two years of college she had stayed local, but for her junior year Lily had decided to spread her wings while simultaneously reaching into her past. Her credits had been accepted at UCLA and she had returned to the west coast where apparently she had met a funny, musical dreamboat special enough to meet the parents. It must be getting serious fast for a step like that.

Lincoln was in his first year at Ole Miss and wouldn't be able to get away, having a job that wouldn't give him the time off during the break. It would be the first year their whole family hadn't been together for Thanksgiving, and it hurt to know his son would miss it, but he was thankful both of his college kids expected to be home for Christmas. Lando was particularly bummed that his big brother wouldn't be there, but he was crazy excited to see Lily.

Link pulled his glasses off, setting them on the side table and rubbing his eyes. Bed or cereal? Bed or cereal? Cereal, then bed. He pulled himself to a stand, arching his back in a stretch, and headed to the kitchen. He was pouring his Mini Wheats when he felt Christy's tiny fingers snake around his belly from behind.

"You are like a cat," he chuckled. "How do you always manage to sneak into a room so silently?"

She chuckled into his shoulder and scratched her nails lightly against the front of his shirt. "Link, I'm so excited!" she said in an adorably enthusiastic whisper.

"To see Lil?"

"No, to baste turkey!" she bit his shoulder teasingly. "Yes, to see Lil, dummy!"

"What do you think about this boyfriend situation?"

She retracted her claws and rested her cheek against his shoulder blade. "I think we raised her pretty well. She's a smart girl. I can't imagine she'd fall in love with a total idiot."

Link spun around in his wife's arms to face her. "You think she's in love?"

"She's not going to bring a guy across the country to meet her family if she just thinks he's kind of cute."

"How did she get so old?" Link said wistfully.

"She was born old."

"True. But now she's actual old."

"Now, don't get ahead of yourself. She's only twenty. We, on the other hand, are actual old."

Link laughed. "Speak for yourself, darlin'! You're as young as you feel." He slid his hands down and pinched her butt, eliciting a yelp and a smack on his arm.

"Eat your cereal, young man," she chuckled as she sauntered away.

"Yes, ma'am."


It was T-minus two hours until Christy expected to be back from the airport with Lily and the elusive Jake. In that time Link needed to accomplish as many of the following as possible: vacuum, drop off dry cleaning, and stop at the store for a few missing items for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, not necessarily in that order. He had something to return to Walmart so he decided to patronize America's catch-all for the grocery needs.

He tended to get a little dazed at Walmart sometimes. It was so big, a little overstimulating, and strangely neutral-smelling despite the aisles upon aisles of stuff. When Christy was pregnant with Lando she couldn't walk into a Walmart without wanting to vomit. Something about the smell, she said, the all-inclusive stuff smell that set her off.

He took the long way around the store, perusing the perimeter with the intent of arriving at grocery last. Maybe he would pick up a welcome-home present for Lily, or buy some new underwear. And they needed laundry soap, he remembered. And they were almost out of tape.

Thirty minutes later he made it to the grocery department with his cart already half-full of things he hadn't come for. First on the actual list: cornstarch. He had no idea what aisle cornstarch lived in, so he slowly meandered along the main aisle, leaning against the handlebar as he pushed, his eyes tracking down every side-aisle for anything resembling his target. He grabbed a jar of maraschino cherries off an end cap for no real reason, holding the jar up to his face to read the ingredients as he continued to push the cart, still glancing down each aisle for what he actually needed. When he arrived at Aisle 5: Baking, he squinted down the rows for confirmation and dropped the jar in his hand, splattering glass shards and bright red cherries and juice across a six-foot radius.

Rhett McLaughlin stared at him from the other end of the aisle.


Before Rhett had had a chance to process the shock, Link had tiptoed across the sweet-smelling carnage he'd caused, slipped between the startled shoppers between them, and leapt into his arms.

"Link!" Rhett laughed. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? I live here, remember? What are you doing here?"

"It's, uh, Thanksgiving, buddy. We had a little downtime for once so we figured we could make it home for an extra holiday this year."

"That's crazy, man! I can't believe you're here!"

"Yeah, I...uh, it's good to see you, Link," Rhett said, running a hand into his hair. "You look well. How's the family?"

"They're good! Christy's picking up Lily and her boyfriend from the airport right now. You know, she's at UCLA."

"Yeah, I heard. She and Locke keep up a little. Oddly enough, he's out here actually."

"He is? Why didn't Lily tell me that?"

Rhett raised his eyebrows ironically, and Link breathed out a laugh. "Okay, point taken." Suddenly Link's brain caught up with him. "Oh gosh, I broke a jar!" He spun around and discovered there was already an employee cleaning up his mess. "Sorry!" he called down the aisle and the kid waved back tolerantly.

"Hey, man, Jessie's in the car," Rhett shrugged, pointing his thumb in the general direction of the parking lot.

"Oh, yeah," Link stammered, "totally. I've got to finish my to-do list and get home before Christy and the kids get back from the airport anyway. You're, um..."

"Are you free later? Or sometime?" Rhett jumped in. "I mean, it would be good to catch up. It's been a really long time."

"Yeah, yeah, I can do that! I can figure something out. How long are you here?"

"We fly back Sunday. Do you...still have my number?"

"No and yes. I mean, it's not in my phone," Link smiled apologetically. "But I know your number. As long as it hasn't changed."

"No, it hasn't changed. Yours?"

"Nope. I'll, uh...I'll text you after I feel out the weekend. Does that work?"

"Yeah. That works. It's good to see you, brother," Rhett said again.

"Yeah," Link smiled. "You too, man."

They waved as they parted. Rhett stood and blinked for a moment as he got his bearings around what he'd been doing when it had just been a quick, uneventful stop. Green beans. Marshmallows. Get reacquainted with his long-lost blood brother.


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