Part 3

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"Right here." Louis says pointing to Jonny's heart.

"In me?" Jonny asks.

"Yes, he is always with you and he loves you and your mommy very much." Louis says.

"Okay!" Jonny says grabbing a train.

Louis looks up and his eyes meet mine.

"I'll be right back." Louis says setting Jonny on the floor.

Louis walks over to me and Harry.

"I'll go play with him." Harry says leaving.

Louis grabs my hands and pulls me into my room.

"I'm sorry if what I said was wrong." Louis says.

"It was perfect." I say.

"What's with all this crying?" Louis says wiping my face.

I shrug.

Louis hugs me tight.

"Thank you so much Louis." I say.

"Anything for you." He says softly.

"Cherry!" Harry says loudly.

I let go of Louis and open my door.

Harry pushes past me with Jonny in his arms.

"What?" I say.

"Paps." Harry says.

"What?!" Louis says pacing.

"I think they only got me. I don't know if they go you or Cherry." Harry says setting Jonny on my bed with a train.

"Still!" Louis shouts raising his voice.

"Louis." Harry says.

"This is bad!" Louis yells.

"Louis, calm down." I say stepping towards him.

Jonny whimpers from my bed.

"Harry go close the blinds." I say.

"Mommy. I hungry." Jonny says.

"Just a second sweetie." I say.

Louis leans against the wall and sits down with his head in his hands.

I pick Jonny up and take him into the kitchen. I strap him into his booster seat and give him some goldfish crackers.

I go back to my room and sit next to Louis.

I lean my head on his shoulder. He jumps a bit.

"I didn't know you came back." Louis says lifting his head up.

"Why is the paps such a big deal?" Cherry asks.

"They will bombard you with questions, take pictures of you and Jonny, and spread rumors." Louis says looking at me.

I nod.

"We should probably leave." Louis says standing up.

Louis helps me up.

"Management calls." Harry says.

"Bye." I say.

"Nope you and Jonny have to come." Harry says.

"No the paps." Louis says.

"My car is in the garage." I say.

"Are the back windows tinted?" Harry asks.

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