Luci's Daughter (Sam) Part 1

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It's been a long time since there's been some peace and quiet. With the apocalypse over it was a time to go on a vacation. That is until daddy himself showed up to ruin those plans.

"What do you want father?" you nearly yelled at him.

"I need you to do me a favor," he told you.

You rolled your eyes and sighed, "What favor would that be?"

"I need you to distract the Winchesters so I can talk to Castiel," he explained.

"Why would you need to talk to him? Wouldn't you much rather want to talk to more important angels like oh I don't know your undead brother that I brought back or maybe the one that's going crazy in the pit?" You asked shaking your head at him.

"Yes and I will talk to them soon. This is a matter of who is going to run heaven while dad is on a family retreat. I would like for Castiel to be one of the soldiers in charge. Of course he'll be besides me, Michael, and Gabriel as well, but nonetheless a great role in heaven," he explained.

"Hmm... and what gives you the right to give that kind of authority?" You asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well when dad found me a vessel he also gave me specific orders. Plus who are you to undermine me daughter?" He asked with a glare.

"Ha! Who am I? Come on! Father you can't expect me to take that question seriously can you?" You asked with fake hysterics.

He just rolled his eyes, "Are you going to do the favor or not?"

"I guess I don't have anything better to do, oh wait, I do. I was going to get out of this hell for a bit so, uh, yeah no," you told him with a flick of your hair. You walked away carrying your bags. Ready to fly yourself to some really amazing island.

"Wait! Please y/n! Just this once can you please do me this favor?" He begged you.

You smirked at his pitifulness, but you did love your father. Even if he was a horrible beast. You sighed,"Fine I guess I'll do you this favor. Just this one time though! Don't come back begging me to do another! I want to be far away from here for as long as I can be."

"Yes! Thank you y/n! You won't regret it. I promise," he told you as he hugged you with a huge smile on his face.

You just awkwardly patted his back. This new Lucifer was something that you were going to have to get used to.

You gave a weird laugh and said,"Alright daddy. I guess I'll be going now."

You craned your neck away from him so he would get the message. It was just weird having your father show this much love and affection after so many years of never showing it. You didn't really know how to react to it.

After that awkward moment you flew yourself to the Men of Letters bunker where supposedly Dean and Sam Winchester lived.

You looked around the place while walking down the stairs. It was big and roomy. You nodded to yourself in approval. Uncle Castiel really wasn't  living too bad with these boys. You walked into the next room. It looked like some kind of war room. Probably was back in the day. You kept walking and soon found a kitchen. You stopped in your tracks since two guns and an angel blade were pointed at you.

"Oh boy. You definitely have me in a carfunkle with this situation," you said in mock terror.

Uncle Castiel leaned is head to the side, "Y/N? What are you doing here? The apocalypse is over."

"I know. I came on a different request," you said simply.

"And that is?" Uncle Castiel asked you curiously.

"I need the Winchesters. Is that going to be a problem uncle? It looks like you've grown quite attached to the little humans," you said amused at his protective stance when you said you needed them.

"I would just like to know what you need them for. It's not like you can't handle things on your own. I mean you're you. Speaking of which where have you been?" He asked in an angry manner.

"Uncle let's not get ahead of ourselves. I need the Winchesters for damage control. Can you give me that?" You asked exasperated. This becoming exhausting already.

"Maybe...not!" Uncle Castiel yelled at you.

"Ugh! Fine I'll just take them myself!" You yelled at him. With the snap of your fingers you were in a mansion in the middle of a tropical island with the Winchesters standing next you looking confused and angry.

"Who are you?" Dean asks with a hard stare.

"Me? Oh I'm y/n, Lucifer and Ruby's daughter," you said simply and walked away to the beach where a lounger and margaritas were waiting for you.

Yes, I know there was no smut in this chapter, but I had a story line in my head that I thought could lead to some pretty good smut. Next part there will be some major smuttiness happening.

P.S. hope you like that pic. I thought it was cool. It also gave me the idea for the character.

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