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Itori slowly closed the iron door behind me. After leaving the lounge area, I was led by her into a room with the same walls, floors, and decor as the bar downstairs. There were two noticeable differences.

1. Uta was the only one in the room and was lounging on a black leather couch, licking a bloody eyeball.

2. There was a giant, fancy, black silk bed against one wall.

Uta looked at me from the corner of his eye, paused his sucking of the eyeball, shrugged, then proceeded with his actions. I stood there in the entryway, anger boiling my blood.

This is the man that threatened my sister's memory. The one that threatened the family she created. The man that threatened to orphan my nephew and niece. Hikari was the only one who protected me. She sheltered me and took care of me along with her children without ever asking for anything in return.

I couldn't stop myself from walking towards him in two strides and lunging at him. I used so much force, the couch toppled over and the two of us rolled over one another along the floor. After about three rolls, the momentum was gone and I was pinning him on the ground, the eyeball staring at me from between his shapely lips.

He saw me staring, and said around the eyeball, "want it?" Uta moved the eye to his tongue and stuck it out, a playful smile on his lips and eyes.

The provocative statement caught me off guard and Uta saw his chance. With my blood rage dulled, he was able to overpower me and flip us both, him now on the top. Uta sat high on my chest with his ankles spread far out to either side, pinning down my wrists.

"Here," Uta said after pulling the eyeball out of his mouth. He then bit the eye in half, juices spilling down his chin and spotting his chest. "You can have half." He placed the eye near my mouth.

"I am not eating that." I said flatly.

"Oh, come on." His voice was surprisingly calm, his face expressionless. "It is only one bite."

I realized it was too much of a hassle to fight with him, he was too stubborn. Reminds me of Hikari if I were to be completely honest. I reluctantly opened my mouth to await the 'treat'.

When he plopped the remains of the sphere into my mouth, the familiar metal taste filled any empty space. Biting into it was gooey and the more durable membrane surrounding it gave a strange contrast to the texture.

Uta leaned forward until his face was centimeters from my own. "You are very interesting."

"And you are very annoying." I said, slamming my forehead into his face. When he was thrown back, he did what looked like a cartwheel into a standing position. I scurried to my feet to catch up to him but was too slow. Uta was already behind me and pushing. He grabbed my wrist and pressed it between my shoulder blades as he kept walking. He had me pinned against the wall, a hand on my wrist and another on my opposite shoulder. Uta leaned in close and talked into my ear.

"No matter how much I hurt you, you never make a sound. Your face also barely changes. What will I have to do to get you to cry out?"

"You're...one to...talk!" I used all of my strength, despite the pain that erupted in my arm, and pushed him away. Gripping Uta's chin and jaw, I pushed and ran, slamming him into the wall opposite.

Uta looked at me from lidded eyes, his long lashes casting a shadow on his cheekbones. "Listen to me."

My brows furrowed. "What?"

"Come. Closer. And listen. To. Me." Uta articulated obnoxiously.

After a moments thought, I leaned forward, tightening my grip on his pale face as I did so. "What do you want?"

"What I want, starlight," Uta said, referring to my silver hair, "is for you to scream my name while on my bed." His tongue jutted out and nipped the tip of my nose.

My eyes widened at the sexual remark. I couldn't find any words to say, my mouth only opened and closed repeatedly. "Wh-what?" I was able to make out.

"You heard me." Uta's legs swept at mine, knocking me to my knees. My grip on his face was lost and was replaced by his hand. It would've been a sweet gesture if he hadn't been holding it in a position that could break all of my fingers. "I want you in my bed."

My eyes squinted at him skeptically, "I do not follow. I thought we, well, hated each other. Or maybe I was mistaken and your constant attempts at killing me are only your way of expressing love?"

"Who said anything about love?" Uta bent over so his eyes were at the same level as my own, his face close enough to feel his breath when he talked. "I'm talking about 'hate sex'." Uta leaned even farther towards me, I would have moved back if he hadn't had a death grip on my fingers.

Uta's tongue slid from my collarbone to my jaw, the sensation strange yet addicting. "What's gotten into you? You can't find some common whore that is willing to fuck a jackass like you?"

"That's the thing," Uta left my throat and straightened up, "I do not want any 'common whore', I've already fucked all of the good prostitutes, and I can't exactly do it again since I killed them all afterwards. I want you."

I tried to pull away, but Uta put more pressure on my fingers, and with his other hand he grabbed a fistful of my hair. It wasn't painful, but a warning. "And why do you want me?"

"Because..." Uta seemed to try to find a reason, "there is no reason. I just want to. There is something about you that makes me just want to devour you."

I tried to glare at him with every fiber of my being. "And what makes you think I want to sleep with you?"

"Well, why wouldn't you?" Uta cocked his head to the side, oblivious to his narcissistic remark. "We are both men. We both have the same...urges. You should know as well as I do that keeping it pent up is unhealthy. And besides, sex is hottest when it hurts." Uta's tongue went from one corner of his lip to his Cupid's bow before going back into his mouth. "We can do it, then go back to killing each other. No strings. No feelings. No guilt or hesitation to tear each other limb from limb tomorrow.

"What do you say? Want to have a bit of fun with an enemy?

I swallowed the saliva building up in my mouth before answering.

"Fuck it. Let's do this."

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